Carthage Resident Zach Hatcher Announces Candidacy for Missouri House of Representatives

Zach Hatcher has announced his candidacy for Missouri State Representative, District 163. Photo provided

Press Release:

CARTHAGE, Mo. — Husband and father of three, Zach Hatcher, has announced his candidacy for Missouri State Representative, District 163. Outgoing Cody Smith has left a legacy of upholding conservative values that Hatcher plans to firmly continue.

“There is a dire need for different perspectives in the General Assembly, specifically, those who are not influenced or persuaded by corporate money and eager lobbies. The role is clear- representatives are the voice of their district,” states Hatcher.


As an engineer with experience in aerospace manufacturing, industrial technology, and program management, he plans to use his skills and understanding to help guide Missouri into the future. “Technology has become a tool of great manipulation and is quickly deepening its grasp on the average Missourian. When legislatures lack industry knowledge, the opportunity for poorly scrutinized legislation to enter law is too large for comfort. Missouri needs to ensure they are up to the task of protecting the people from this.” says Hatcher.

Hatcher believes that children of Missouri deserve a quality education, which can be accomplished through many different schooling choices. Public educators need support to meet the requirements of the student, as well as the expectation of parents, and Missouri has work to do in providing this support. With his own three children attending public schools, he plans to fight against the indoctrination of children while advocating for the return to an academic focused curriculum.

“Carthage is my home. It’s where I grew up, went to school, attended church and was part of the community. I want the children of southwest Missouri to have the same opportunities that were afforded to me. Conservative values and Christian ideals are the best hope for them having that chance,” says Hatcher.

Hatcher is a member of Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri Right to Life, National Rifle Association, Carthage Rotary Club, Carthage Chamber of Commerce, Carthage Ducks Unlimited and The Bridge Christian Church.

*Hatcher is running as an exempt candidate. Exempt candidates may spend a maximum of $500 on their campaign, therefore Hatcher is not fundraising. Hatcher’s campaign will rely on the people, not the money- a direct reflection of the belief he will uphold in office, if elected.
