Alliance of Southwest Missouri suffers break-in, vandalism and theft at South Pearl location


JOPLIN, Mo. – On Monday, June 26, an Alliance staff member spotted a broken window at the building located at 1901 South Pearl Ave. in Joplin. Police were called, and more damage became apparent. A water pipe was broken, one TV monitor was stolen, and several others were badly damaged in the process of trying to be taken. Additionally, human feces were discovered on the carpet of one of the children’s rooms and the basement. Food and beverages for our programs and classes were taken.

Despite this setback, our parenting class and Good Dads class will take place as scheduled in an alternate location.

“It’s unnerving,” said Jen Black, Executive Director for the Alliance of SWMO. “Anytime you try to protect children and families, it seems like there’s an opposition that comes against you. It will not prevent us from pushing forward. We will continue to fight this fight. In the midst of having two large buildings and being in this transition moment, we are calling on the community to keep their eyes and ears open to activity that may take place at either of our locations (1601 S. Wall or 1901 S. Pearl).”


Joplin Police are actively investigating this case and we are hopeful that surveillance video of the suspect or suspects will aid their efforts.
