Carthage R-9 Board of Education Meeting Notes from May 17, 2021


The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, May 17, 2021, 6:00 pm, at Carthage Junior High. Present were Board members Lee Elliff Pound, Jeff Jones, Ryan Collier, and Patrick Scott. Niki Cloud and Karen Wilkinson attended via Zoom. Bill Lasley was absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lee Elliff Pound, Board President.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meetings, payment of bills, financial reports, budget amendments, revised policies/regulations, 2021-2022 student handbooks, 2021-2022 educational resources, SMB financial resolution, proposed grant applications, bid specifications for North Technical Center remodel and solicitation of bids.


Dana Cook, Nurse Coordinator, provided an evaluative report on Health Services, Missouri School Improvement Program Area G-8 (8). Health room visits continue to rise primarily due to increased severity of special health care needs and increased census of students and faculty. Nurses were able to return 93% of students seen back to the classroom.

Bryan Shallenburger, Special Services Director, provided an evaluative report on Special Education, Missouri School Improvement Program Area I-1(2), I-3 (1,2,3,5), G-5. The District will meet all Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Special State Performance Plan (SPP) Education Performance Goals.

Kandy Frazier, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, provided an evaluative report on Federal Programs, Missouri School Improvement Program Area G-5. She reviewed instructional and support services provided by the allocation of federal funds.

Ryan Collier provided an update for the Carthage R-9 School Foundation. The Foundation is planning a virtual fundraiser in place of the recently cancelled Wiffle Ball Tournament. Senior Academic Awards Night held on May 3, 2021, awarded over $86,000 in scholarships. Scholarship winners, Flanigan Speech Contest, and Boylan Art and Writing Contest winners will be posted to the Foundation website at and the Foundation Facebook page.

The Board approved a COVID-19 Resolution authorizing a one-time $400 payment to all full-time and part-time regularly employed District employees as of May 1, 2021. The Board recognizes the impact COVID-19 pandemic has had on the work responsibilities of District employees.

Kandy Frazier, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, discussed the 2021-2025 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). The CSIP Plan goal is to enhance instructional programs, resources, and support services to enable all students to meet personal, academic, and career goals.

Dr. Baker updated the Board regarding the following items:

  • The 2020-2021 budget will finish strong with approximately 28% in reserves.
  • Construction projects and CARES Act funding will likely create the need for 2021-2022 budget amendment. We do expect to receive additional CARES Act funds.
  • Increasing certified staff base pay to $39,000 (+$650) and raising support staff salary schedules are being considered.
  • COVID safety protocol will remain in place until the end of school however, some adjustments will be made for summer school.
  • Graduation was held May 13, 2021, at David Haffner Stadium.
  • A free physical night will be held Monday, May 24, 5:30-7:30 pm at the Carthage High School gym for incoming 7th – 12th grade Carthage R-9 students. Required vaccinations will be available and COVID19 Pfizer vaccinations will be available with parent authorization.
  • Recipients for the 2020-2021 Golden Key Winners were announced.
    • Dr. Bobbi Murrell Steadley 1st grade
    • Brianna Mertens 6th Grade Center
    • Josh VanSlyke Junior High math
    • Elizabeth Turley High School ELA
  • The District is developing a plan regarding community members using a few school storm shelters. Carthage currently only has one FEMA Community Storm Shelter which is located at the junior high. The safety of students will continue to remain first.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal and personnel matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (13) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

In closed session the Board accepted the following personnel actions:

Approved contracts and employment of certified and support staff presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district:

Certified Staff:

Tahnae Bass Project Lead the Way/Science Junior High

Jenessa Field ELA High School

Garrett Jack Mathematics High School

Austin Grotts Science High School

Drew Haggerman Kindergarten Fairview

Leslie Hunter Special Education 6th Grade Center

Chelsey Junker Kindergarten Fairview

Christopher Mooney Special Education Intermediate Center

Adan Sigala Physical Education Fairview

Jennifer Spencer Special Education Columbian

Support Staff

Emma Bollinger

Personal Paraprofessional

Early Childhood Center

Kane Brooks Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Cean Frye Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Jadyn Harris Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Aiden Logan Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Gloria Lozano Paraprofessional Pleasant Valley

Hadley McBride Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Ashley Molina Nurse Pleasant Valley

Sydney Peters Night Receptionist Tech North

Brittanie Powell Cook 6th Grade Center

Karla Shumny Secretary High School

Tristen Sutherland Nurse Early Childhood

Zach Thomas Seasonal Maintenance Maintenance

Substitute Support Staff:

Peter Durham Substitute Custodian Maintenance

The Board accepted the resignations and release from contract of the following certified staff:

Certified Resignation

Daniela Neri Fourth Grade Dual Language Intermediate Center

Support Staff Resignation

Stephanie Evans Admin. Asst. to Superintendent of Schools Administrative Office

Release from 2021-2022 Contract

Charles Carpenter English Language Arts High School

Dr. Shawn McVey 5th Grade Intermediate Center

The Board was notified of the following personnel changes:

Staff Transfers/Reassignments: (Effective for the 2021-2022 school year)

Transfers/Reassignments Certified Staff (effective 2021-2022 school year):

Angel Ambrosius 5th Grade ELA/Social Studies Intermediate Center

(Former Special Education/CIC)

Madalyn Bass ELA Special Education Co-teacher Junior High

(Former Admin Asst/Jr. High)

Paige Burk Paraprofessional Columbian

(Former 4th Grade Teacher/CIC)

Monica Curl Business/Marketing Tech South

(Former Us History/World History-High School)

Julie Derfelt Title 1 Fairview

(Former Instructional Coach/Fairview)

Lisa Hall Second Grade Fairview

(Former First Grade/Steadley)

Amanda Katzfey Kindergarten Columbian

(Former Paraprofessional & Substitute Teacher)

Brittany Radcliff Kindergarten Columbian

(Former Para-Columbian)

Additional Duty

Brian Crigger Head Cross Country (Boys and Girls) High School

Nathan McAlister Assistant Cross Country Coach High School

Rusty McDermott 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach High School

Nicole Sipes Head Girls Track Coach High School

Logan Wilson Head Boys Track Coach High School
