My time as Maple Leaf Queen


Last year something amazing happened to me — something that I wasn’t sure I would ever get to be a part of. But like every little girl wishes they could be when they grow up, I, Eboni Neekol Saba, was given the honorable opportunity to be Maple Leaf Queen! 

My hard work and dedication of three years had finally paid off. Being the 2017 Maple leaf Queen gave me the chance to make many amazing memories. I can’t say that I love more moments over other because there wasn’t a moment I didn’t enjoy. From the second the crown was placed on the top of my head and to the moment I crown the next Queen, every minute will forever be cherished.

As a little girl I never realized the dedication and joy behind the queen and her beautiful smile. In my eyes Disney Princesses came to life. The evening gowns sweeping past their feet, the shiny crown resting on their heads, and the poise smile is something I always wanted. When my aunt told me I could sign up my freshman year, my heart burst with excitement! 


By this time, I’d never worn an evening gown or performed by myself in front of people. I had some learning to do! Freshman year became my practice run. Sophomore year I won best interview; that gave me the courage to jump right in again and give Maple Leaf another shot.

Then Junior year came around the corner in the blink of an eye. I spent countless hours walking around the house in heels and practicing my posture in the mirror. I even went as far as having friends ask me random questions during free time in class to make sure I could nail the interview one last time. It worked — not only did I win best interview along with other awards, but I was announced Maple Leaf Queen of 2017!

The title of Maple Leaf Queen was more than a pretty dress and a crown. I became one of the biggest role models to young girls that I once was. I had the opportunity to see the community of Carthage Missouri from a different view. The love that neighbors shared with one another throughout the week of Maple Leaf made the entire town feel like one big family. Laugher of loved ones rung like an overtone from a beautiful ensemble, sweet hugs from all the little girls made the entire world feel peaceful, and the encouragement I was given from fellow Carthage acquaintances made me feel unstoppable.

I want to give a huge thank you to my parents Josie Saba Ramos and Erniest Ramos for believing in me every step of the way and making sure I do my very best. 

Thank you to my sister Jasmyne for helping me get ready for modeling and waiting for me during interviews to help ease my anxiousness, thank you to my brother JJ for listening to me obsess over my talent song repeatedly and reassuring me I would do great, and thank you to my best friend Lyhrik Moore who sat with me in the back taking silly pictures to make the memory great. Last but not least — thank you to anyone who is a part of the Maple Leaf committee including Trisha Swoveland and her helper, Spencer Lines, for working hard with the contestants to make sure their experience was one they’d never forget!

To the lovely ladies who will be competing for the 2018 Maple Leaf Queen title: three of you will walk out with a tiara or crown but you are all winners! Embrace every second you get, work hard, and make friends with the other contestants. 

There is nothing more fun than sharing the experience of royalty with the ones you adore, and there is no better reward than the memories you get to make and capture forever. With that being said, I wish you all the best of luck and I hope the next Queen will get to experience just as much, if not more, of the eagerness and passion I got to endure.
