Letter to the Editor: Don’t Leave Dogs in Parked Cars


To the Editor: 

As the dog days of summer bring scorching temperatures, animal lovers should remember hot dogs belong on the grill, not in parked cars.

While never a good idea, leaving your pet alone in a vehicle—even during a quick errand—is especially dangerous this time of year.


A parked car can become an oven under the sun, even in mild temperatures. When it’s a comfortable 70 degrees outside, the inside of a vehicle can climb to almost 90 degrees after only 10 minutes and creep into triple-digit temperatures after half an hour.

Research shows that cracking the windows doesn’t have a significant effect on how quickly the temperature rises.

Unlike humans, dogs cannot sweat and do not regulate temperatures as efficiently as we do, making them extra vulnerable to heat stroke, which can be fatal.

This summer, be a responsible pet owner with your own best friend. And if you see a distressed animal inside a parked car, call your local animal control or law enforcement immediately—you could save a life.

Dr. Robin Ganzert

President and CEO, American Humane

West Palm Beach, Fla.
