Family Foodie: Ready for Some Color


I was just sitting here, looking outside and it’s grey. Grey and cold. The sky is grey. The air is grey. It made me feel a little bit grey too and that just won’t do. I am ready for some color and since it’s not the time of year that Mother Nature provides color, I will! I decided to deviate from what I had planned for dinner one of the nights last week and break out a favorite of my son’s and mine, a rainbow veggies salad. It was perfect timing too.

My husband was out of town for work and as much as he likes veggies, for him they’re a side. For my 7-year-old and I, they are appetizer, entrée, and dessert all in one. Because we are always getting in the crisper for snacks, I luckily had most of the veggies already and so it was an easy switch.

The benefits of eating a rainbow of veggies are many and I won’t get too science-y on you here but suffice to say, benefits range from heart health, to collagen growth, to immune system boosting, to memory help, to blood pressure and everything in between. Seriously, just google it and you’ll see! Tasting this rainbow is way better for us than the candy version. (Disclaimer: I like the candy rainbow too ?!!!)


The ingredients listed below really are suggestions. It’s what we like but add more or less depending on what you have in your crisper and/or like to pop in your shopping cart at the grocery store. And if like my hubby, a meal just isn’t a meal without some meat, throw in some ham cubes or sliced chicken breast.


Rainbow Veggies Salad

1 can black beans, rinsed

1 can dark kidney beans, rinsed

½ C. shredded purple cabbage

½ cucumber, chopped

1/8 C. sliced radishes

¼ C. edamame

¼ C. chopped orange or yellow bell peppers

1 C. halved cherry tomatoes

1/8 C. green olives

1/8 C. black olives

¼ C. goat cheese

1/8 C. chopped basil

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

2 Tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp Dijon

Salt and pepper, to taste

Pour the rinsed beans and all the veggies into a large bowl. Crumble goat cheese over the beans and veggies. Whisk lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil, Dijon, and salt and pepper together. Pour dressing over beans and veggies and toss.
