artNotes From Hyde House: Turning the Corner into Autumn and the HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE!


Turning the corner into autumn is definitely happening as we head toward artCentral’s HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE! August is gone. Fini!

September is here which to this Southern woman means autumn has begun, because down south I learned that new fashion rules start after September 1! Growing up as a girl in Little Rock, Arkansas, I quickly understood: “You never wear white shoes or carry a white purse after September 1, or at the least, you stop donning white footwear or handbags after Labor Day!”

Really? Hmmmm…though at this time every year, in my head I still hear a replay of that cautionary admonishment, I have long since given up trying in any season to follow any fashion rules that do not allow me to dress as I please.


For these present transitional days, wearing or not wearing white is not on my list of color considerations. To the contrary, I am practicing gratitude for the green restored by recent showers and the plethora of late season jewel colors emerging as our flora makes a comeback from summer’s intense heat. I am enjoying anticipating the autumn palette that will delight us throughout our Maple Leaf celebrations. Beyond that I am looking ahead to the traditional reds and greens that will appear to grace our celebratory holidays.

Mostly my mind is fast-forwarding to those reds and greens and all the twinkling lights that enhance them for the decorating of artCentral’s elegant Hyde House and enchanting HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE. In truth, here in early September I am immersed in the colors and the creating of artCentral’s arty festivities for October-November-December. Our 2022 HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE, October 7 through December 3, promises to bring pleasures to cherish and treasure through the sparseness of winter’s depth and far into the New Year.

Four featured artCentral artists and their charming, perfect-for-gifting artisan creations will be showcased in the galleries downstairs and upstairs, too. Debbie Barnett’s painted-on-wood mandalas are stunning. (David and I first found them at Spellbound Boutique where we quickly purchased two to hang on the old doors of our music salon.) Kristin Girard will offer an array of the amazingly beautiful one-of-a-kind jewelry she creates—often with repurposed elements. Brenda Hayes will bring us upcycled funky hats and scarves, whimsically delightful paintings and décor, and magical wee journals all made with parts of old and bits of new and lots of love. Jane McCaulley’s original works of glass—ornaments, tea lights and decorative wonders—celebrate the splendor and sparkle of glass that brings newness and freshness to every setting in every season.

Of course colors and more colors will abundantly abound in the SMALL WORKS | GREAT WONDERS Silent Auction. This is your perfect opportunity to choose and begin or add to your collection of exquisite 5×7 canvases created and donated by artCentral artists who support this annual fundraiser that benefits artCentral programs. Beginning October 1, you can preview all the images at and on Facebook at ArtCentralCarthage. With the October 3 HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE opening, you can see all the 5×7’s at Hyde House and place your bids on the official bid sheets, call in your bid to (417)358-4404 or email your bid to [email protected].

Again, for this year’s BOUTIQUE the color of scarlet will reign supreme as the annual limited edition SCARLET AMARYLLIS SALE again features bulbs imported from Amsterdam. Each will be presented for $30.00 with an elegant bow in a clay pot hand-crafted by an artCentral artist—perfect for decorating gifting! Order yours early!

As we turn summer’s corner into autumn, dressed as you please with or without white accessories, there is still time to come visit the beautiful natural palettes of SPIRITUAL SPACES in the Hyde House galleries through September 17. Weekend gallery hours are Fridays and Saturdays, 12:00-5:00 p.m.
