Carthage R-9 Board receives update on minimum wage increase, hires high school science teacher


CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, January 20, 2025, 6:00 pm, at Pleasant Valley Elementary. Present were Board members Mr. Jeff Jones, Ms. Niki Cloud, Mrs. Lora Phelps, Mr. Ryan Collier, Ms. Maria Sanchez, and Dr. Mark Westhoff. Mr. Patrick Scott was absent. Mr. Jeff Jones led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pleasant Valley Elementary, first grade students provided cheerful songs under the direction of vocal music teacher, Mr. Ian Derrickson.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, and district financial report.


Ms. Beth Hunt, Curriculum Director, presented the MSIP 6 Standard: Curriculum evaluative report to the Board.

Mrs. Crystal Brown, Carthage R-9 Foundation Director, provided a Carthage R-9 School Foundation update highlighting the Trivia Night fundraiser will be held February 8th at Specialty Risk Insurance.

Dr. Luke Boyer, Superintendent, provided the Board information regarding the new and revised policies and regulations for their review and consideration of adoption at the February 24, 2025 board meeting.

Dr. Boyer, discussed the amended 2024-2025 board of education meeting schedule with new meeting dates of February 24, 2025 and March 12, 2025.

Dr. Boyer provided the Board information regarding the salary increase and adjustments to salary schedules due to the minimum wage increase in Missouri. Dr. Boyer stated that employees who are currently below the Missouri minimum wage of $13.75 will be increased to that amount but stay on their current step.

Dr. Boyer and Dr. Holley Goodnight, Assistant Superintendent for Business, provided the Board information regarding Early Childhood classes. Dr. Boyer presented his report to the Board and that Ryan Collier and Niki Cloud have applied for board candidacy that will take place on April 8, 2025.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (6) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. In closed session the Board approved the following personnel actions:

Approved the employment of certified, support, and substitute staff as presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district:

Certified Hire 

Wayne Spangler, Physical Science Teacher Carthage High School New Hire for 2025-2026
Mr. Spangler is finishing up his Bachelor of Science Degree in Science Education from MSSU. In addition, he earned his Associates of Arts in Teaching from Crowder College in 2024. He currently serves as an Assistant Archery Coach for CHS and has previously worked as SPED Paraprofessional.

Support Hires 

Dondi Lewis, Cook Carthage High School New Hire
Kayla Cleveland, Cook Carthage Intermediate Center New Hire
Garrison Whitehead, Custodian Sixth Grade Center New Hire
Kaitlyn Altic, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary Re-Hire
Kellie Greninger, Cook Steadley Elementary New Hire

Substitute Hires 

Zoe Vance, Sub Teacher District New Hire
Patricia Smith, Sub Nurse District New Hire
Matthew Bond, Sub Teacher District New Hire
Rhonda Derryberry, Sub Teacher District Re-Hire
Rachel Cortez, Sub Teacher District Re-Hire

Certified Modification 

Leti Fierro-Garcia, AEL Instructor (Evening, Part-Time) Tech Center-North Modification

Certified Transfers

Kyley Selvey-Cochran, 4th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Transfer for 2025-2026
Lacy Reynolds, 4th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Transfer for 2025-2026
Jessica Barrett, Health Science Instructor Carthage Tech Center – South Transfer for 2025-2026

Support Transfers 

Elizabeth Arthur, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School Transfer
Shalanna Ducote, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School Transfer
Andrew Raney, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage High School Transfer

Support Modification 

Sara Pla, ELL Paraprofessional (Part-Time) Carthage Junior High School Modification

Substitute Modifications

Sara Pla, Sub Secretary District Modification
Michael Dietz, Sub Bus Driver Transportation Modification
Mackenzie Cummins, Sub Teacher District Modification

Support Resignations 

Donna Clarenson, Cook Sixth Grade Center Resignation
Hailey Callahan, IT Intern IT Internship Complete
Monica Clinton, Administrative Assistant Food Service/Welcome Center Resignation

Substitute Resignation 

Kacey Gilmore, Substitute District Resignation

Originally appeared on The Turner Report
