Vision Carthage is proud to unveil landscaping plans for the new Fairlawn Roundabout in conjunction with the Carthage Parks and Recreation Department. The non-profit organization commissioned local artist Rachel Wilson to create a focal piece for the recently created roundabout. Ms. Wilson’s stunning design is a statue of four maple leaves measuring 13’ x 13’ swirling in the wind.
Additional work by Ms. Wilson can be seen in front of Memorial Hall located at the corner of Oak and Garrison where a Welcome to Carthage sign is placed with an existing maple leaf. Vision Carthage also commissioned this piece from Ms. Wilson in 2015.
Vision Carthage and the Parks department have been working together to form a design and concept plans for the roundabout for several months. Landscaping will also be incorporated into the roundabout. The organization has launched a campaign to raise funds for the creation of the artwork. The cost of the artwork is $28,050. Should more funds than the required amount be raised, they will go toward continued beautification efforts throughout the community. The installation is anticipated for summer 2022.
The mission of Vision Carthage is to promote the beautification and revitalization of Carthage through volunteerism, partnerships, community and business engagement by using the Main Street Four-Point Approach: Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion and Organization.