Polling places announced for Jasper County Extension Council Election


The 2021 public election of eleven new members for the Jasper County University of Missouri Extension County Council will take place January 19-26. The county election is held in accordance with state law (Chapter 262.550-262.620 R.S. Mo. 1969).

Every county in Missouri has an extension council made up of elected and appointed members who represent the broad educational needs and backgrounds of people in that county.

The county extension council works with University of Missouri Extension staff members in planning and making recommendations for educational programs.


Citizens over the age of 18 who reside in Jasper County can vote at one of three locations within the county. 

Locations include: the University of Missouri Extension office in the basement of the Jasper County Courthouse; Midwest Ag Supply, Central and Grant, Carthage; Central United Methodist Church, 5 S. Pennsylvania, Webb City.  Beginning January 19, registered voters also have the option of casting a ballot online by going to http://extension.missouri.edu/jasper or printing a ballot from the Jasper County University of Missouri Extension website to either mail or deliver to University of Missouri Extension, Courthouse Basement, Carthage, MO 64836. You may also call the extension office to request a ballot. Voting at the polling places will begin on January 19 and end on January 26.  If you mail your ballot, it must be postmarked no later than January 26.

Eleven positions on the Council will be filled from the following nominees: Gayle Brown and Jeff Brown, Oronogo; Christy Groves Graham; Kim Lambeth, Dan Sellers, Sandra Smith, Terry Smith, and Bruce Waggoner, Webb City; and Gail Lawrence, Fran O’Kelley, Yessenia Viera, and E. Wayne Wilson, Carthage.

For more information, call the Extension office at 417-358-2158.
