October 29 trial set for former Carthage CVB director on embezzlement charge


The trial of former Carthage Convention and Visitors Bureau director Callie Myers, 44, on a felony stealing charge is scheduled to begin Tuesday, October 29, in Jasper County Circuit Court. Judge Dean Dankelson is presiding. The trial is expected to last two days.

A pre-trial hearing is set for Thursday, October 10.

According to the probable cause statement, Myers is accused of stealing more than $4,700 from the bureau, using the money for such items as clothing, groceries, cell phones, payments to her husband and daughter through Cash App, hair salon services, beauty items, lunches, dinners and alcohol at area restaurants.


The charges against Myers were filed after a former CVB employee Alexandria Hodkins discovered Myers appeared to be using CVB money for personal purposes, reported it to Traci Cox in the city administrator’s office. Cox took the information to former City Administrator Greg Dagnan, who was acting assistant city administrator at the time, according to the probable cause statement.

It took two years for the charges to be filed against Myers after the 2020 investigation. A year into the investigation, it was turned over to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. After the investigation was completed, it took another year before the Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney’s office filed charges in October 2022.

Myers is represented by attorney Jonathan Pierce.

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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