Carthage man, woman charged with four counts of human trafficking

Jose Rabanales-Miranda and Judith Cancinos-Huinac

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney’s office filed four human trafficking counts today against a Carthage man and woman who allegedly provided fake identities to allow people to get work then had them work for him and give him money in exchange.

In addition to the four human trafficking charges, Jose Rabenales-Miranda (DOB 1976) and Judith Cancinos-Huinac (DOB 1973) charged with a fifth felony, trafficking in stolen identities.

The allegations are spelled out in Rabenales-Miranda’s probable cause statement:


On February 27, 2024, Carthage Police took a report of a rape. During the course of the investigation, Detectives determined there were multiple victims of labor trafficking. 

During a subsequent interview with VICTIM1, she disclosed that RABANALES-MIRANDA provided her with seven (7) fraudulent documents in two different names so she could work. RABANALES-MIRANDA forced her to work around his home and withheld her immigration papers and passport from her so she could not flee. 

RABANALES-MIRANDA used the threat of deportation and legal repercussions if she told anyone what was happening. RABANALES-MIRANDA had control of her pay card and only provided her $20 per month as an allowance.

During a subsequent interview with VICTIM2, she disclosed that RABANALES-MIRANDA forced her to and her juvenile son (VICTIM5) with no pay. They separated her from her son and have since attempted to take custody of him stating she has run off and is a prostitute. 

RABANALES-MIRANDA forced her to leave the home and be a live-in maid for their son. They have threatened legal issues including deportation if she does not keep working for no pay. They have also threatened to keep her son from her which they are currently doing. She has had no contact with him in the past three weeks. 

During a subsequent interview with VICTIM3, he disclosed that RABANALES-MIRANDA provided him with four (4) fraudulent documents so he could find employment.

RABANALES-MIRANDA told him a price for the documents and has continued to increase the price of the documents and forced him to work around his home and church along with continuing to pay him for the documents. RABANALES-MIRANDA has threatened him with legal problems and deportation if he told anyone about what was happening. 

During a subsequent interview with VICTIM4, he disclosed that RABANALES-MIRANDA helped him get a job at his place of employment. He has forced him to work around his home and church telling him if he does not, he will be in trouble with law enforcement and be deported because he is using fraudulent documents to work. 

During a subsequent interview with RABANALES-MIRANDA he corroborated the stories of the victims and admitted to getting them fake identities and receiving work and pay in exchange for them. He admitted what he did was wrong, and he was sorry for extorting people. 

A subsequent search warrant of the defendant’s residence located 10 or more means of identification for seven (7) different individuals comingled with the defendant’s personal documents. 

Many of the documents appear to be fraudulent and further the victim’s allegations that the defendant manufactures, sells, transfers, or possesses identifying documents to further human trafficking.

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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