Country Kickers 4-H Club Jan. 12 Meeting

Jolee, Bowen, Cooper, and Ellie cover boxes for 4-H Feeding Missouri canned food collection boxes. They are at Eagle’s Brew Coffee Shop, Dollar General, SMB Jasper, and Judy’s. Photo provided

The Country Kickers 4-H club met at the Rush Family Farm east of Jasper at 5:30 pm, Sunday, January 12th.

The meeting was called to order by president Cooper.  Roll call was answered by the question “What is your favorite month, and why?”

New business was about the upcoming regional 4-H event Making the Best Better on January 25th at the Presbyterian church in Carthage.  Bright and Bold will be on February 1 in Nixa.  Goats in the Garden at the Joplin Empire Market and the first annual Clover Run in Carthage at Route 66 will both be held on March 8th.  Volunteers are needed.


Elsie and Olivia demonstrated how to tie a rope to keep your calf tied to the fence.

After the meeting was adjourned, members made valentines for the nursing home.  We also made 4-H Feeding Missouri canned food collection boxes, which will be placed at different businesses in Jasper.  All collected food will go to Jasper county food banks.

The Country Kickers 4-H club meets every second Sunday at 5:30 pm.

The club makes valentines for the nursing home. Photo provided