Carthage Christmas Parade slated for Dec. 3


The Carthage Press

Maple Leaf has passed and it’s time to start thinking about the next big parade in Carthage — the 46th Annual Christmas Parade.

Carthage High School’s Skills-USA group has been working on planning the parade for weeks, and entry forms were mailed to those who have participated in the past this week, according to SkillsUSA Advisor Mark Sponaugle.


The Carthage Christmas Parade will take place at 7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 3. The theme this year is “Mele Kalikimaka – Hawaiian Christmas.”

According to Sponaugle, the parade will follow the same route as in years past.   

The route will originate at the corner of Chestnut and Main, in front of the First Christian Church, then proceed north on Main. The route will circle the beautiful Carthage Square, then head back south on Grant Street to end at Chestnut and Grant, at tennis courts behind the Carthage Junior High. 

The route encompasses a distance of approximately one mile.   

Trophies will be awarded to first place winners in each category immediately following the parade on the steps of the First Christian Church (parade starting point).   

As has been done in the past, trophies will also be presented for Mayor’s Choice, Director’s Choice, and Best Use of Lights. 

Judging WILL TAKE PLACE during the parade somewhere around the Carthage square.

Entrants are asked not to portray Santa Claus because the Carthage Fire Department and SkillsUSA will feature the one and only Jolly Old Elf on a fire truck at the end of the parade. 

“We ask that you portray Mrs. Santa, the elves, Frosty, Wise Men, Shepherds, etc. instead,” Sponaugle said. “Please allow us only one Santa.”

Entry Deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 14.   

If you would like to enter electronically please email me at the address below and I will send you an entry form via email.

Entrants will receive a confirmation letter the week following Thanksgiving indicating your place in the line-up along with any additional information.   

In addition, if Carthage R-9 Schools are closed due to inclement weather on the day of the parade, the parade will be postponed one week.

People can contact Sponaugle at or by phone at 359-7026.

About SkillsUSA and the parade

SkillsUSA is a youth organization, made up of high school students who are enrolled in classes at the Carthage Technical Center. These classes cover a wide range of interests such as Health Sciences, Computer Maintenance, Carpentry, Drafting, Public Safety and Precision Machining. Our students and advisors know it is important to give back to the community that has been so giving to them. With that thought in mind, we are proud to sponsor this year’s parade. Skills-USA has been part of the Carthage Christmas Parade since the beginning. As it states in the SkillsUSA creed, “We believe in the dignity of hard work and the American way of life.” The Christmas parade has been a long-standing tradition in Carthage and the Carthage SkillsUSA Chapter is proud to be part of this tradition.
