Jasper County Extension Council members elected


CARTHAGE, Mo. – Ten individuals were newly-elected in the balloting that ended January 25, 2022, according to Clint Lambeth, council chair.

Newly elected members to serve two-year terms are: Patrick Bromley, Carl Junction, Charles Davis, Webb City, Amy Gates, Joplin, Terri Haywood, Joplin, Barbara Hunter, Jasper, Jeremy Jadwin, Carthage, Donya Moll, Jasper, Francis O’Kelly, Carthage, Erick Osen, Diamond, and Dorothy Shull, Carthage.

These members will join the following hold-over members: Gayle Brown, Oronogo, Jeff Brown, Oronogo, Christy Graham, Joplin, Kim Lambeth, Webb City, Dan Sellers, Webb City, Sandra Smith, Webb City, Terry Smith, Webb City, Yesenia Viera, Carthage, Bruce Waggoner, Webb City, and Wayne Wilson, Carthage.


The appointed members to the council are:  Tom Flanigan (County Commission), Carl Burton (Farm Bureau), Gail Kreutzer (City of Carthage), and Clint Lambeth (City of Webb City).

The council has four major responsibilities.  They are: (1) to advise the University of Missouri on needed extension educational programs, (2) approve the extension staff housed in Jasper County, (3) arrange for financing the Jasper County Extension Center and, (4) hold elections to perpetuate the Council.

Officers for the 2022 council were elected at the annual meeting, Tuesday evening, February 8, 2022.  They are: Clint Lambeth, chairman; Dan Sellers, vice-chair; Gail Kreutzer, secretary; Wayne Wilson, treasurer: and Tom Flanigan, co-treasurer.

University of Missouri Extension programs focus on the high-priority needs of Missourians. Each county extension center, with oversight by locally elected and appointed citizens, is your local link to practical education on almost anything. More information is available online at http://extension.missouri.edu.
