Carthage R-9 School Board sets tax levy, adds 2 buses to fleet


CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 pm, at the Carthage South Technical Center. Present were Board members Jeff Jones, Niki Cloud, Lora Phelps, Ryan Collier, Patrick Scott, Maria Sanchez, and Mark Westhoff. Jeff Jones led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following a hearing on the district’s proposed tax rate, the Board established the total tax levy for 2024-2025 including Incidental Fund $2.7676, Debt Service Fund $0.8300, and Capital Projects Fund $0.2860 totaling at $3.8836.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meetings, payment of bills, district financial report, final FY24 budget, district assessment plan for 2024-2025, special education compliance plan, and sale of surplus property.


Dr. Holley Goodnight, Assistant Superintendent for Business, Mrs. Janeane Myhre, Food Service Director, Mr. Dan Hill, Maintenance Director, Mr. Don Cox, Safety Coordinator and Pleasant Valley Principal, and Mr. Ryan Huntley, Transportation Director, presented the MSIP 6 Standard: Leadership; Operations evaluative report to the board.

  • Janeane Myhre, Food Service Director, reported on using Parent Square to communicate to families about completing the free and reduced meal application, staff training, increase meal participation by offering popular menu items more frequently, and utilizing distributors and local producers to procure foods of high nutritional value.
  • Dan Hill, Maintenance Director, reported access controls are being added to all student areas, upgrades to the Welcome Center are completed, the elevator at Haffner Stadium has been ordered and will be installed after football season is complete, security cameras continue to be added throughout the district, a remodel has begun at North Tech Center to house the IT department, and the new baseball complex is making good progress with completion of Phase 1 mid-September and Phase 2 in November 2024.
  • Don Cox, Safety Coordinator and Pleasant Valley Principal, reported the district’s crisis manual is now digital and can be accessed by all staff, a new emergency management district team will be created as a result to the new ALICE training, monthly emergency drills are scheduled, the district continues to upgrade door security, and upgrades to surveillance cameras in buildings and buses.
  • Ryan Huntley, Transportation Director, reported student ridership information, the annual bus inspection by the Missouri State Highway Patrol was completed and the district received a 90.7% score and the Exemplary School Bus Maintenance Award, annual driving training is conducted, new routing and trip request software have been implemented, fleet vehicles are being utilized to assist with district travel, and two buses have been added to the districts fleet.

Mrs. Crystal Brown, Director Carthage R-9 School Foundation, provided a Carthage R-9 Foundation update highlighting scholarship checks have been distributed, Trivia Night fundraiser will be held in February 2025, and Major Saver will kick off October 10, 2024. Mrs. Brown reported on a new scholarship endowment in the name of Kirk Selvey and potential new endowments.

Dr. Boyer and the Board discussed adding Dr. Luke Boyer, Dr. Holley Goodnight, and Dr. Matt Huntley, as authorized signers to the operating account at Southwest Missouri Bank and the investment account at Old Missouri Bank.

Dr. Boyer updated the Board regarding the following:

  • First day of school was successful in all buildings.
  • Thank you to all the administrators for the endless amount of time you put into the prep-work for new hire orientations, all trainings across the district, conferences attended, new teacher academy, and convocation.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (6) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

In closed session the Board approved the following personnel actions: Approved the employment of support, and substitute staff as presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district:

Support Hire 

Rachel Brown, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary New Hire
Vilma Rissman, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Noel Davison, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Elizabeth Waite, PAT Parent Educator Early Childhood Center Re-Hire
Patsy Wilson, Sped Paraprofessional Steadley Elementary New Hire
Sarah Thrasher, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary New Hire

Substitute Hire

Alana Eastin, Substitute Cook District New Hire
Elizabeth Persons, Substitute District New Hire
Tina Isenmann, Substitute District New Hire

Support Transfer 

Maranda Huntley, Tiger Prep Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary Transfer
Shawn Oberlechner, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School Transfer
Jake Harris, Part-Time IT Technician IT Department Transfer
Laurie Williams, Full-Time Sub Nurse District Transfer

Substitute Modification

Gerald Nixon, Substitute Driver Transportation Modification

Certified Resignation

Alexandra Ritter, EL Teacher Sixth Grade Center Resignation

Support Resignation 

Kim Henderson, Bus Driver Transportation Resignation
Camellia Strickland, Bus Driver Transportation Resignation
Kayla San Jose, Cook Sixth Grade Center Resignation
Bethany Roy, Cook Columbian Elementary Resignation

Substitute Resignation

Joseph Swearengen, Substitute District Resignation
Emalie Gordon, Substitute District Resignation
