Carthage R-9 Board hears proposal for long term strategic planning


CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 pm, at Carthage High School. Present were Board members Mr. Jeff Jones, Mrs. Lora Phelps, Mr. Ryan Collier, Ms. Maria Sanchez, and Dr. Mark Westhoff. Ms. Niki Cloud and Mr. Patrick Scott were absent. Mr. Jeff Jones led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Carthage High School Students, Ms. River McCahon and Mr. Jonah Barrett provided a speech and debate presentation.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, approve district financial report.


Mrs. Kim Ensminger, Early Childhood Director and Mrs. Kamie Bourgault, Parents as Teachers Director, presented the MSIP 6 Standard: Teaching and Learning (TL2) – Early Childhood Education evaluative report to the board. Mrs. Ensminger provided class size information and funding sources for the Early Childhood Center. An overview of kindergarten readiness ESGI data as well as literacy and math assessment data for Pre-K students was discussed. Mrs. Bourgault stated there are ten parent educators in the district, all trained in the curriculum of home visitations and educational screening. Improvement target progress regarding home visits, educational annual screenings, and group connections events was shared with the board.

Dr. Matt Huntley, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Dr. Gage Tiller, Carthage Technical Center Director, Dr. Scott Ragsdale, Principal Carthage Intermediate Center, and Dr. Brittany Bridges, Principal Carthage Junior High School shared a proposal for long term district strategic planning to the board.

As part of the plan, a Portrait of a Graduate will be established. The Portrait will engage the community in a values-based discussion which will help shape the vision of what it means to be a successful Carthage student. The community will begin to see surveys and other information in the coming weeks, providing anyone interested the opportunity to participate in the process.

Ms. Maria Sanchez reported she had no update for the Carthage R-9 School Foundation.

Dr. Luke Boyer updated the Board regarding the following:

  • Dr. Angela Holman reported on academic and extra-curricular activities happening at Carthage High School.
  • Dr. Holley Goodnight gave an update on the McCune Brooks Regional Hospital Trust Baseball Complex. Phase 1 is almost complete and Phase 2 is on track to finish in November 2024.
  • Thank you to the Welcome Center staff and building registrars for the endless amount of time you put into enrolling students prior to school starting. The district had a smooth start to the 24-25 school year.
  • School threats through posts on social media are taken very seriously and investigated with law enforcement.
  • September is attendance awareness month – let’s make every day count!
  • It’s National Art in Education Week and our students across the district are creating unique and fun art projects. • Carthage School District is proud to join districts across the region in celebrating teachers with GOCSD Teacher Proud Tuesday.
  • The 6th Grade GATES students learned what it takes to launch their own coffee business at Hatcher’s Coffee House. Starting September 23rd, staff at the 6GC can look forward to coffee from the GATES students.
  • Mark Twain is partnering with local businesses in the Community Helpers series, to help students learn the important work they do for our community.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (6) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. In closed session the Board approved the following personnel actions:

Approved the employment of certified, support, and substitute staff as presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district.

Certified Hire

Randy Beyer, Choir Teacher (1st Semester) Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Jaben Parnell, Choir Teacher (2nd Semester) Carthage Junior High School New Hire

Support Hire

Bobby Kendrick, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
April Greer, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Thomas Doyle, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Roben Muller, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Kaitlyn Altic, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary New Hire
Grant Williams, IT Student Intern IT Department New Hire

Landon Newcomb, IT Student Intern IT Department New Hire
Hayden Sander, Food Service Student Intern Welcome Center New Hire
Bethany Bloss, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Katie Booth, Sped Paraprofessional Steadley Elementary New Hire
Leighton Pauley, IT Student Intern IT Department New Hire
Tucker Clark, IT Student Intern IT Department New Hire
Adriana Ramos Torres, Administrative Assistant District New Hire
Shannon Dalton, Cook Carthage Intermediate Center New Hire

Substitute Hire

Melissa Earl, Substitute District New Hire
Steven Norman, Substitute District New Hire
Darcie Silvers, Substitute District New Hire
Kylee Roach, Substitute District New Hire
Gladness (Grace) Wood, Substitute District New Hire
Paige Burk, Substitute District Re-Hire
Patricia Caulk, Substitute District New Hire
James McCollom, Substitute District New Hire
Heather Gibson, Substitute District Re-Hire
Brenda Kaiser, Substitute District New Hire
Regina Fields, Substitute District Re-Hire
Kayla Ayres, Substitute District New Hire
Kelly Jacobs, Substitute Principal/Assistant Principal District Re-Hire
Breanna Fletcher, Sub Cook District New Hire

Certified Resignation

Michelle Harris, Vocal Music Teacher Carthage Junior High School Resignation

Support Resignation

Jason Shumny, Head Custodian Tech Center-North Resignation
Jason Shumny, Bus Driver Transportation Resignation

Substitute Resignation

Frank Martinez, Substitute District Resignation
Kelli Youngblood, Substitute District Resignation
Jamarian Eldridge, Substitute District Resignation
Linda Havely, Substitute District Resignation
Rachel Lemasters, Substitute District Resignation
Margaret Mouton, Substitute District Resignation
