Meet the Carthage candidates forum on tap


The Carthage Chamber of Commerce will host a City Council and School Board Candidate Forum for Tuesday, March 26th from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Candidates will be on hand for introductions and an informal meet-and-greet setting, enabling attendees to visit and ask questions of individual candidates.

The event will be located at the CW&EP Community Room, 627 W. Centennial. The event is free and open to the public.

Carthage City Council candidates invited include:


James Harrison Ward 1
David Armstrong Ward 1
Raymond (Ray) West Ward 2
Ceri Otero Ward 3
Dawn Denniston Ward 4
Alan Snow Ward 4
Brenna Barksdale Ward 5
Ed Barlow Ward 5
T.J. Teed Ward 5

Carthage School Board candidates invited include:

Jorge Alvarado
Justin Baucom
Niki Cloud
Craig Diggs
Wayne Jones

“We want the voters of Carthage to have this opportunity to meet their City Council and School Board candidates prior to the contested April 2nd election. This will enable everyone to get to know the candidates and cast their vote for those they believe will be the best additions to those governing bodies.” said Mark Elliff, Chamber President/CEO and City of Carthage Economic Development Director.

For more information, contact Mary Jo at the Carthage Chamber of Commerce, 417-358-2373 or
