The most wonderful time of every other year
Carthage Historic Preservation (CHP) had their bi-annual tour and tea on Saturday, Dec. 1. The tour and tea bring a celebration of opulent days gone by to Carthage every even year. The next event is scheduled for Dec. 5, 2020. Each year CHP works with five or six local home owners to offer an inside look at a variety of historic homes in Carthage to promote architecture, history and preservation efforts in Carthage.

The tour this year featured six homes including the Twin Homes of Joseph Leggett and Cornelius Platt on Grand Avenue. The Leggett House and Platt House were designed by the same architect, Joseph A. Prather, in 1901. The floorplan of both were to be the same. Leggett and Platt had married sisters who wished to modestly complement one another rather than compete in a grandiose Victorian fashion of the times. In each of the homes, the decorations and personalities of the homeowners past and present were immaculate.
CHP sold a total of 709 tickets to the Christmas Homes Tour and 203 tickets to the Tea at the Historic Phelps House. The funds raised will be used to further the mission of preservation.
About Carthage Historic Preservation
Carthage Historic Preservation is a non-profit, community-based membership organization which receives no government funding. Member dues and contributions are critical to the mission of preserving the rich history of Carthage.
For additional information or to get involved in future preservation endeavors check out their website carthagehistoricpreservation.org or call 417-358-1776.