Horszowski trio to perform Feb. 20 in Joplin


Pro Musica presents the Horszowski (piano) Trio on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School Auditorium, 3401 Newman Rd, Joplin.

When the members of the Horszowski Trio (Hor-SHOV- ski) played together for the first time, they immediately felt the spark of a unique connection. Many years of close friendship had created a deep trust between the players, which in turn led to exhilarating expressive freedom. In the four-year period following their debut performance at Rockefeller University in NYC in December 2011, they were booked for almost 200 concerts in the U.S. and tours of Japan and India. They have continued their successful rise in the chamber music world, earning the praise of critics and audiences alike.

The concert starts at 7 p.m. and is open to the public at no charge with donations appreciated.  The public performance of the Horszowski Trio is sponsored, in part, by Freeman Health System, Leggett & Platt, Inc., the Vivian Leon Fund and the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.  Arts Education Events presented by the quartet are sponsored, in part, by Leggett & Platt, Inc.


For more information: http://promusicajoplin.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/ProMusicaJoplin/
