Stone’s Throw to host Trivia Night fundraiser

The Bird Brains was one of the teams at the first ever Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre Trivia night, held on Nov. 11, 2017. The event is a fundraiser for the theatre. John Hacker / The Carthage Press

Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre is hosting its second annual Trivia Night Fundraiser at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 3.   

Tickets are $10 per person, and teams may have up to eight members ($80 for a team).   

Participants are welcome to bring food, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages, along with decorations for their team’s table.   


Beer and wine will be available for purchase, along with snacks, in case you forgot that you were supposed to bring the microwaved pizza bagels.

Along with the fun, there will be prizes for first, second and third place teams, best decorations, and most enthusiastic, among others.   

Make your reservations by calling 417-358-4300. Watch for updates on our Facebook page as well as on our website.

Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre is a stone’s throw west of Carthage at 2466 Old 66 Boulevard (old Route 66 west of the golf course).
