Carthage Men’s Wrestling hosts North/South Dual Tournament

Caden Groom wrestles his Ray-Pec opponent at 126 lbs. Crystal Brown / CNO

CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage Men’s Wrestling team hosted this year’s North/South Dual Tournament and placed fourth in their respective division.  Neosho, also in the South division, took first, with wins over Grain Valley, Lee’s Summit, Ray-Pec, Liberty North and Park Hill.  The South was down one team with a last-minute cancellation by Lebanon due to team illness, but consisted of Neosho, Carthage, Willard and Nixa.  Park Hill posted a 3-1 record, finishing in first place for the North.

The tournament has served as a great way to meet up with schools that wouldn’t necessarily see each other until the MSHSAA state tournament.  The competition is fierce and showcases talent from both Kansas City area and southwest Missouri Class 4 schools.

Carthage North/South Duals Tournament


January 2, 2025

4th Place South Division

Park Hill wins North Division with 3 dual wins

Neosho wins South Division with 5 dual wins

Ray-Pec LOSS 33-45

106: Jackson Peek (RAYPEC) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

113: T.J. Woodward (RAYPEC) over Javi Perez Merida (CARTHAGE) (TF 17-2 2:36)

120: Tanner Putt (CARTHAGE) over Kamdon VonHolten (RAYPEC) (Fall 2:45)

126: Caden Groom (CARTHAGE) over Gavin Siebert (RAYPEC) (Fall 1:39)

132: Grady Huntley (CARTHAGE) over Jayden Peek (RAYPEC) (Fall 3:40)

138: Wyatt Hole (CARTHAGE) over Oliver Branick (RAYPEC) (Dec 7-4)

144: Evan Gatlin (RAYPEC) over Emerson Ixcol (CARTHAGE) (MD 13-1)

150: Aydan Nye (CARTHAGE) over Til`myrius Wilson (RAYPEC) (Fall 1:50)

157: Gage Medley (RAYPEC) over Kayden Hole (CARTHAGE) (Fall 3:51)

165: Jaccob Wood (RAYPEC) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

175: Caden Vandergrift (RAYPEC) over Latrell Abbasi (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:11)

190: Phoenix Tomlin (RAYPEC) over Steve Serious (CARTHAGE) (Fall 3:09)

215: Jomar Serious (CARTHAGE) over (RAYPEC) (For.)

285: Pierce Hazen (RAYPEC) over Jaxton Lopez (CARTHAGE) (Fall 3:48)


Lee’s Summit LOSS 30-47

113: Jacod Ennis (LEESUMN) over Javi Perez Merida (CARTHAGE) (Dec 12-6)

120: Tanner Putt (CARTHAGE) over (LEESUMN) (For.)

126: Caden Groom (CARTHAGE) over Matthew Sartin (LEESUMN) (Fall 2:44)

132: Luke Nally (LEESUMN) over Grady Huntley (CARTHAGE) (Fall 3:48)

138: AJ Wishne (LEESUMN) over Wyatt Hole (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:59)

144: Austin Cornett (LEESUMN) over Emerson Ixcol (CARTHAGE) (Fall 3:56)

150: Aydan Nye (CARTHAGE) over Tristan Morgan (LEESUMN) (Fall 3:06)

157: Kayden Hole (CARTHAGE) over Will McBee (LEESUMN) (Fall 2:43)

165: Grant James (LEESUMN) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

175: Robby Desmond (LEESUMN) over Latrell Abbasi (CARTHAGE) (Dec 7-0)

190: Steve Serious (CARTHAGE) over Micheal Ojeda (LEESUMN) (Fall 0:28)

215: Zander McGuire (LEESUMN) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

285: Hayden Hinkle (LEESUMN) over Jaxton Lopez (CARTHAGE) (Fall 5:31)

106: Ben Johnson (LEESUMN) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

(LEESUM lost one point for unsportsmanlike at 285)


Liberty North LOSS 30-47

120: Tanner Putt (CARTHAGE) over Wyatt Bolling (LIBNORTH) (Fall 0:57)

126: Caden Groom (CARTHAGE) received a bye

132: Grady Huntley (CARTHAGE) over Yurem Garcia (LIBNORTH) (Fall 1:45)

138: Andrew Hensley (LIBNORTH) over Wyatt Hole (CARTHAGE) (Dec 5-3)

144: Brayden Hennegin (LIBNORTH) over Douglas Ball (CARTHAGE) (MD 15-3)

150: Aydan Nye (CARTHAGE) over Brian Seoane Cancino (LIBNORTH) (Fall 5:56)

157: Brock Winship (LIBNORTH) over Kayden Hole (CARTHAGE) (MD 12-4)

165: Wyatt True (LIBNORTH) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

175: Nicholas Sanders (LIBNORTH) over Latrell Abbasi (CARTHAGE) (Fall 4:29)

190: Steve Serious (CARTHAGE) over Kyle Jiang (LIBNORTH) (Fall 2:29)

215: Colin Breit (LIBNORTH) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

285: Elmotie Williams (LIBNORTH) over Jaxton Lopez (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:22)

106: Will Bolling (LIBNORTH) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

113: Liam Boyd (LIBNORTH) over Javi Perez Merida (CARTHAGE) (Fall 2:32)


Park Hill LOSS 27-52

126: Caden Groom (CARTHAGE) over Chase Johnson (PARKHILL) (Fall 3:31)

132: Grady Huntley (CARTHAGE) over Kennan Beatty (PARKHILL) (Fall 0:40)

138: Robby Hanna-White (PARKHILL) over Wyatt Hole (CARTHAGE) (Fall 0:25)

144: Davion Seymour (PARKHILL) over Emerson Ixcol (CARTHAGE) (TF 19-2 5:43)

150: William Vande Ven (PARKHILL) over Aydan Nye (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:28)

157: Grant Armentrout (PARKHILL) over Kayden Hole (CARTHAGE) (TF 18-0 2:21)

165: Sammy Mormino (PARKHILL) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

175: Latrell Abbasi (CARTHAGE) over Elijah Franco (PARKHILL) (Dec 7-1)

190: Steve Serious (CARTHAGE) over Mason Turner (PARKHILL) (Fall 1:26)

215: Louis Van Batavia (PARKHILL) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

285: Jaxton Lopez (CARTHAGE) over Aiden Donar (PARKHILL) (Fall 5:10)

106: Caden Brayfield (PARKHILL) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

113: Mason Brayfield (PARKHILL) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

120: Ryan Egstad (PARKHILL) over Tanner Putt (CARTHAGE) (Fall 2:00)


Grain Valley LOSS 28-52

132: Zachary Bleess (GRAINVLY) over Wyatt Hole (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:09)

138: Colston Parks (GRAINVLY) over Grady Huntley (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:19)

144: Chase Brenner (GRAINVLY) over Emerson Ixcol (CARTHAGE) (Fall 5:10)

150: Sjoeren Aumua (GRAINVLY) over Aydan Nye (CARTHAGE) (MD 15-5)

157: Brody Braa (GRAINVLY) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

165: Brodie Davis (GRAINVLY) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

175: Latrell Abbasi (CARTHAGE) over Grant Burd (GRAINVLY) (Fall 2:47)

190: Jomar Serious (CARTHAGE) over (GRAINVLY) (For.)

215: Gavin Barker (GRAINVLY) over Steve Serious (CARTHAGE) (Fall 1:35)

285: Jaxton Lopez (CARTHAGE) over Alec Fenstermaker (GRAINVLY) (Fall 1:21)

106: Kaeler Byrd (GRAINVLY) over (CARTHAGE) (For.)

113: Brady Jones (GRAINVLY) over Javi Perez Merida (CARTHAGE) (Fall 0:43)

120: Tanner Putt (CARTHAGE) over Tyler Jones (GRAINVLY) (Fall 2:39)

126: Caden Groom (CARTHAGE) over Justin King (GRAINVLY) (MD 10-0)

Jaxton Lopez competes against Lee’s Summit at 285 lbs. Crystal Brown / CNO