Letter to the Editor: The Godless revolution continues


Dear Editor:

The revolutionaries continue their ungodly revolution, not only against the police, but any private citizen they choose to beat up or plunder.  

A prime example of how vicious some of the BLM rioters really are, can be seen in a video of a Portland, OR attack, where a young man and a woman (might have been his wife) were robbed and attacked. 


After the crowd chased the man down and punched him through the window, causing him to crash, they pulled him out of his vehicle, and severely beat him, without him fighting back. Then while he was still down, the video shows, in the background, a person started a fast run towards the victim, and then viciously kicked him in the face, slamming the back of his head on the street hard surface.

They say, and it looks like, that person was wearing a black BLM shirt, with the word “Security” on it.  That is the kind of “security” America will have if these ungodly individuals take over America!

Yet, the Socialist/Abomination/Democrat Party remains silent about the chaos and murderous activities going on around the Country’s biggest cities!  They are oblivious, while most news organizations remain silent too!  Are they all just plain scared of the monster they have helped create?

After seeing the way that person kicked that man, it is obvious the intention was to kill him.  Other bad news reported a man walked to a five-year-old girl in her yard and kill her with shot to the head.

America has become so ungodly!

If God, in His Infinite Mercy, was to send Jonah to warn America, as He did Nineveh, America would not repent and would be destroyed. 

Manuel Ybarra, Jr.

Coalgate, OK
