Chamber Chat: Maple Leaf … it’s less than a week away!


The Carthage Police Department maple tree branch tops are turning.

The mornings are cool. And, we have TONS of Maple Leaf applications turned in. THAT means Maple Leaf is right around the corner.

By now, unless there is some secret underground bunker that festival news can’t penetrate, most everyone in the area has heard of the Maple Leaf Festival. You probably know that the parade, art and craft show, car show, and fair food all fall on the third Saturday of October. And you probably even know that after the morning and early afternoon festivities, there will be lots to do, see, eat, and play around town, and lots of people to gab with at friends and family’s houses, on the Square, and all-around town BUT, you might not know about some of the new things that are happening this year. Read on for more info!


• Through October, the Powers Museum will offer “Over Here & Over There: Carthage & Jasper County in World War I.” The exhibit will commemorate the centennial of WWI and showcase the experiences of those who served afar and on the home front. The museum plans to be open Tuesday-Saturday, Noon to 4 PM throughout the month.

• Oct. 5-Nov. 18, artCentral Hyde House will feature a juried exhibition of regional fiber artists titled “The Art of Quilting.” Open Fridays and Saturdays Noon to 5 p.m. and Sundays 1 p.m.-5 p.m., the exhibition is a “do not miss” for art fans and lovers of quilts alike!

• Mike Bliss returns to Carthage for one amazing Night of Magic, Saturday, October 13. Mike is a professional comedian, magician, and juggler who will delight and amaze attendees of all ages. Advance tickets are going fast but still available at the Carthage Chamber!

• You will want to mark your calendars now to be at Central Park for most of Sunday, Oct. 14. Past favorites the Maple Leaf Dog Show and Dachshund races are back but THEN at 3 p.m, the chicken pageant begins. Yes, you read that correctly, the chicken pageant. Race Brothers Farm and Home and Moving Mountains bring you this opportunity to see area residents and their chickens dress up and compete for awards

Of course, these are just a drop in the giant, overflowing bucket of the many goings on that you will want to take advantage of during festival season. Log on to to get a full calendar of events. Happy “almost” fall!
