artNotes from Hyde House: artCentral’s MEMBERSHIP EXHIBITION and PICNIC


Alas! The time is here for artCentral’s 2022 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP EXHIBITION and PICNIC.  Weekend Gallery Hours are set for Fridays and Saturdays, 5:00-12:00 pm, through June 23. After June 23, viewing is available by appointment through July 23!

The celebratory Opening Picnic and Awards Presentation will take place June 3, 2022, 6:00-8:00 p.m., on the lush Hyde House campus at 1110 East Thirteenth Street in Carthage. A catered picnic dinner will feature scruptuous chicken pot pies created by The Pie Safe on the Carthage Square with salad and gourmet brownies and beverages.

The McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation is the gracious underwriter for artCentral’s Annual Membership Exhibition. Believing art is an essential and vital dimension of any healthy and vital community, we are thankful that McCune-Brooks supports artCentral as one of the programs, organizations and initiatives that directly contributes to better health and healthy lifestyles for the citizens of Carthage.


Hyde House is ready and waiting for your visit! The galleries are filled with forty-five absolutely awesome works of art created by artCentral member artists! This is definitely a destination collection with artworks from the studios of Jane Ballard, Andrew W. Batcheller, Karolee Blanchard, Diana Bray, Jim Bray, Maddie Capps, Cheryl Church, April Davis-Brunner, Samuel Gilbert, Alice Lynn Greenwood-Mathé, David Greenwood-Mathé, Al Gritten, Carol Hammerbacher, Stacy Heydt, Sierra Joy Hicks, Nina Johnston, Beth Kang, Justin Kidston, Melody Knowles, Helen Kunze, Linda Kyger, Lori Marble, Koral Martin, Jane McCaulley, Jesse McCormick, Dan McWilliams, Connie Miller, John Mills, Margie Moss, Janice Myers, Mark Norris, Mary L. Parks, Sandra Parrill, Tyla Raredon, Debbie Reed, Rich Reed, Emily Rose, Brenda Molesworth Sageng, Debbie Southard, Jodie Sutton, Linda Teeter, Clint Thornton, Mary Thorton, Jordy Vulpine and Marilyn York.

The juror for the Underwriter Award is Beth Simmons. Beth is the Director of McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation, an avid collector of art and a longtime patron of artCentral and artCentral artists.

Members of artCentral’s board of directors have graciously agreed to serve as jurors making selections for recipients of the cash awards for Gold, Silver and Bronze. These jurors include Jackie Boyer, Alexandra Burnside, Maddie Capps, Cheryl Church, Wendi Douglas, retiring president Betsy Flanigan, Kalee Hinspeter, Lori Marble, Doug Osborn and Jason Shelfer.

After viewing the forty-five works on display, the board members based their selection choices on three criteria: impact of presentation, composition of elements and technical achievement. First they listed their six choices to be considered for special recognition and rated each of these choices on a scale of 1 to 10. Next they listed their specific choices for each of the three top awards plus two artworks to receive honorable mention. I complied the results of all the board’s individual selections. From this compilation the award recipients emerged to be announced at the Opening Picnic.

My deep gratitude goes out for the time and considerable contemplation generously given by Beth Simmons and members of artCentral’s board of directors—the outstanding jurors for artCentral’s 2022 Annual Membership Exhibition. They have made fine choices of the artists and their artworks selected to receive 2022 awards.

This year for the first time, the Peoples Choice is the additional award added to the roster of juror selected honorees. Each gallery visitor will have the privilege of casting one vote for the selection of the 2022 Peoples Choice Award to be announced at the close of the exhibition.

Do come and cast your vote for Peoples Choice while you view the creations of all the award recipients and all the diverse talents that now fill the galleries of Hyde House!
