Chamber Chat: Create the 53rd Annual Maple Leaf Theme


Entries for the 53rd annual Maple Leaf Festival theme contest are being accepted by the Carthage Chamber of Commerce. This is your chance to be forever linked to the festival with a winning theme submission. Submissions for this year’s contest will be accepted through Thursday, February 28th at the Carthage Chamber, 402 S. Garrison. Submissions must be in writing and can be brought to the Chamber office or e-mailed to [email protected]. Maple Leaf Committee Co-Chair Alice Chorum says, “The theme is a critical part of the festival. It sets the tone for everything from artwork, to float creation, to decorations.” Co-Chair Jeanine Poe added “We’ve had some very fun and creative themes. Some favorites from the past include; Magic of Maple Leaf, Sounds of Celebration, Autumn, A Circus of Color in Carthage, and Once Upon a Time.”

Those wishing to submit a theme entry should provide their theme suggestion, their name, address, daytime telephone number, and email. Get creative, brainstorm, think about all of your favorite parts of Maple Leaf and imagine your idea being absolutely everywhere including as a piece of artwork on the official Maple Leaf T-shirts. As soon as a theme is chosen, artists will be hard at work to bring a visual representation of your theme to life! Do you ever watch the parade going by and think “Man it would be cool if……..?” This is your chance. We can’t wait to be dazzled by your great idea!

Entries received after 5:00 p.m. February 28th will not be considered. The winning entry becomes the sole property of the Carthage Chamber of Commerce and the Maple Leaf Festival and will be used on all promotional materials.
