Tristatesmen Barbershop Chorus announces 2020 Board of Directors

The Tristatesmen 2020 Board of Directors are front row left to right: Don Snow and Larry Swift. In the back row left to right is Stewart Spencer, Ed Kespohl, and Rod Nally.

The Tristatesmen Barbershop Chorus has announced it’s “Board of Directors” for 2020.

They are Ed Kespohl (President), Stewart Spencer (Secretary), Larry Swift (Treasurer), Rod Nally (Membership VP) and Don Snow (Music VP).

The Chorus is planning a “Roaring 20’s” show in October to celebrate the year 2020 and new songs are now being issued to the chorus members. All men in the area who would like to take part in this fun show in four-part harmony are encouraged to attend any of the Tristatesmen meetings which are held every Tuesday evening, at 7 p.m., at the Joplin Family Worship Center, 5290 East 7th Street in Joplin.


For info please call 417-364-4069. The Tristatesmen Barbershop Chorus is celebrating it’s 50th year as a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
