Allegation: Carthage man possessed child porn, secretly videoed 11-year-old girl in shower

Uriah Behl

A Carthage man who was charged with eight counts of invasion of privacy after allegedly putting a camera in the community shower room at the Tarzan Zerbini circus is facing new felony charges.

Uriah Behl (DOB 1985) was charged with sexual exploitation of a child and possession of child pornography and once again, part of the charge is related to a camera that was placed in a shower and was discovered during the investigation into the original charges against Behl.

From the probable cause statement:


On 02-21-2024, I Detective Trenton Greene, conducted data extractions from three electronic devices belonging to Uriah Behl for an ongoing investigation related to invasion of privacy crimes. 

While reviewing one of the devices, I found the following:

– 161 still images of young (mostly female) juvenile victims of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). These juvenile victims were very young in age and appearing to be prepubescent, exposing their genitals in a sexual nature as well as some of the images, the victims were performing sexual acts and getting sexually abused.

The estimated age range is from 4 years of age to 10+ years of age. The images were saved within the “cache” of the phone which means the suspect had visited various websites and viewed the images.

– A video that Uriah took of an 11-year-old female juvenile (VICTIM #1) taking a shower in a private bathroom with her mother, WITNESS #1. VICTIM #1 was fully nude, with her breasts and genitals seen throughout the video. The video is 37 minute and 18 second video in duration and was time stamped on 11-12-2023 @ 2015 hrs.

Uriah had hidden the phone between the wall and carpet of the bathroom and was on video placing it there. Due to the suspect having CSAM on his device, it’s suspected he was using the video for sexual gratification.

More information can be found at the link below:

The Turner Report: Carthage man faces eight felony charges after cell phone records videos in Tarzan Zerbini Circus shower (

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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