Carthage Chamber celebrates artCentral’s new chapter

Cheryle Finley launches a confetti cannon in celebration of artCentral’s ribbon cutting with the Carthage Chamber of Commerce Tuesday at Hyde House. Rebecca Haines / CNO

CARTHAGE, Mo. — Surrounded in the diverse works of artCentral’s Membership Show, the Carthage Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting Tuesday for the organization’s recent enhancements and upcoming events.

“This is our summer opening,” said Alexandra Burnside, artCentral board president. “We have so many great things to share – we’ve freshened up the place, we have a new collaboration with Bela Flor Nursery, artCamp is coming up, people can come enjoy the Membership Show and we have a lot of ways the community can help.”

On June 2, artCentral at the Hyde House hosted its annual Membership Show opening with approximately 80 guests. The exhibit will remain on display through July 23.


“It was one of the biggest shows I’ve ever seen here,” said Cheryl Church, local artist and artCentral board member. “We have 64 works of art in all kinds of mediums.”

The show awarded Jason Shelfer first place for “Dr. D.T. Lawrence,” acrylic; Helen Kunze second place for “Crimson Corner,” oil; Andrew Batchellor third place for “The Eternal Moon that Comforts the Little Warm Mountain,” oil; and Honorable Mention to Ashley Brown for “Oyster Mushroom on Oak,” ceramic.

Jason Shelfer took first place in the Membership Show, which will remain on display through July 23 at Hyde House. Rebecca Haines / CNO

In addition to local works of art, the Hyde House has a newly dedicated gallery in memory of Bob Tommey, who passed away in 2020 at the age of 92. The gift shop relocated downstairs, but artCentral organizers expressed the most excitement for what was coming to the outdoors setting.

In the 19th century, the Hyde family established its greenhouses on the property of the current Hyde House and to the west, where Bela Flor Nursery remains. (And the original truck that hauled tomatoes to California.) In a new collaboration with artCentral, which was established in 1985, the nursery will use the Hyde House landscaping as a botanical garden to showcase what they offer. There will be signage in place to educate visitors on the plants and flowers to enhance the experience for locals and travelers alike.

“I love how the project will bring the nursery full-circle to this place,” Church said. “It’s nostalgic and like a homecoming.”

In the meantime, artCentral is getting ready for artCamp July 10-21 for young aspiring artists ages 8 to high school. The cost of the program is $35 a day, and Burnside said the group is fundraising for scholarships for local kids who otherwise would be unable to afford the experience.

“We have a goal of 50 sponsorships,” she said. “We want to be more inclusive to our area kids and this would be a great way to help. Our sessions will be on all kinds of art kids may not get a chance to try anywhere else – we’ll have oils, melting glass and live alpacas for the fiber class – just all kinds of fun things. Bela Flor Nursery will come show kids how to plant flowers – we’re so excited for this summer.”

For more information or to reach out to make donations, please find, follow artCentralCarthage on Facebook or call 417-358-4404. The Hyde House is located at 1110 E. 13th St., Carthage. The gallery is open Friday-Saturday noon-5 p.m.
