artNotes from Hyde House: Silent auction art stars light up artCentral’s Holiday Boutique

Painting by Andy Thomas

One by one the artist created and donated 5×7 canvases are coming in for artCentral’s Holiday Boutique Silent Auction.

Oh! Oh! Oh! They are stunning and whimsical, beautiful and fun!

They’re even more wonderful than my best imaginings! I love them — every single one that I’ve already seen and held and relished and still there are more on the way. I await their arrival with my heart aflutter with anticipation and my head spinning with artCentral’s good fortune.


The Silent Auction is a Christmas miracle happening for the benefit of our unique non-profit arts organization and our mission to promote, exhibit, teach and foster the appreciation of fine arts in our community.

I’m blissed with the unselfish generosity of our accomplished artist contributors, for all Silent Auction proceeds raised by these artists will go toward artCentral’s work and programming on behalf of art and artists throughout southwest Missouri.

Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to select fine art and support the arts and artists. Bid (starting as low as $5), purchase and take home one or more of these truly amazing artworks from the hands of artCentral’s awesomely talented artists — our marvelous constellation that includes international art stars, regional luminaries and emerging artists just beginning to twinkle. Each of these artists is shining at their very best through their Silent Auction gems.

Even mega star Andy Thomas is making the time to contribute a Silent Auction treasure. What is he painting this year? I’m eager to discover!

Two years ago his canvas depicted the passion of a rising up stallion. Last year his canvas brought us the image of the jolliest Santa I’ve ever seen. For both these small works the bidding was vigorous and artCentral was made sustainably stronger by the dollars Andy brought in to support our work.

As you likely know, Andy was recently publicly recognized and praised by our country’s President and consequently made known around the world as “the painter of presidents.”

In spite of his ascension into the highest heights, Andy remains our beloved and always modest local artist super hero. Even cast into the bright lights of international media coverage, our home-boy-made-famous remains true and his work ethic uncompromised.

Though he’s been hard pressed to guard the sequestered studio hours he values, he’s committed to spend the time needed to create yet another Silent Auction treasure. Thank you, Andy!

Thank you! goes out to all our artCentral artists who are stepping up to make this year’s Silent Auction the best ever. The newest members of our board of directors, Jane Ballard and Jason Shelfer, are signed up to contribute their talents.

Former board member Helen Kunze again shows her joy in her warmly painted duet of pomegranates titled “Pom Poms.”

Former board member Brenda Sageng will also contribute a canvas.

My own, “If the Shoe Fits”, wire on canvas, will be included, as will be the “Tiny Dancer” rendered in oil by artCentral’s prepitor (art handler), my husband David Greenwood-Mathé. The shimmering old-masters beauty of Karolee Blanchard’s “Spring Iris” will bring tears to your eyes.

Volunteers extraordinaire Lora Waring and Emily Rose will have their 5×7’s on offer.

Lora’s “Fistful of Flowers” is a brilliant bouquet created in color pencil. Emily’s “Golden Nautilus” is painted in oil. Chris Raredon is donating a charming rendering of a precious puppy.

Many more Silent Auction contributing artCentral member artists and friends are putting the finishing touches on their canvas creations.

This year’s 5×7 Silent Auction onsite bidding begins at Hyde House at 5 p.m. Thursday, November 29th at the Holiday Boutique Preview. Bidding closes at 3 p.m., Saturday Dec. 1.

Treat yourself to the ultimate experience in happy holiday shopping for your loved ones, friends, teachers and business associates. Mark your calendars now for Nov. 29 and 30 and Dec. 1. Admission is free for all three Holiday Boutique days.

Plan to visit artCentral’s elegant Hyde House filled with beauty, inspiration and one-of-a-kind 5×7 canvases and pocket-friendly presents.

• Nov. 29, Thursday, 5 p.m.-8 p.m., is the Holiday Boutique Preview, Silent Auction launch and your first shopping opportunity.

• Nov. 30, Friday afternoon and evening, 3 p.m.-8 p.m., your shopping and Silent Auction bidding times continue.

• Dec. 1, Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., is morning and afternoon shopping with the Silent Auction bidding concluding at 3 p.m.

Featured again this year, in addition to artCentral artist creations, are artCentral’s signature potted and elegantly bowed scarlet amaryllis planted to bloom at the peak of the holiday festivities. Each limited edition amaryllis, modestly priced at twenty-five dollars, is presented in a sparkling container. Perfect for your own home, these beauties make lovely gifts for everyone on your list and support artCentral’s work on behalf of art and artists in Carthage and beyond. Reserve several and prepay by calling (417) 358-4404 in advance of the Boutique.
