SPPBSQSUS Harmony Guest Night set for Sept. 27


The Joplin Lodge of the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Barbershop Quartet Singing in the United States (SPPBSQSUS) is hosting a “Harmony Guest Night” Tuesday, September 27 at 7:00 PM, at Forest Park Baptist Church , 7th and Range Line in Joplin.  Although, singing in a quartet is the favored activity we also are known as the “Ozark Gateway Barbershop Chorus,” under the direction of Don Snow.  Membership is open to all male singers of all ages and good character with a desire for fun–in singing, in fellowship, and in performing.

The SPPBSQSUS is established to ensure that the wholly American institution of male barbershop quartet singing is preserved in the form and manner in which it was birthed—by utilizing songs typifing those composed during the years between 1890 to 1929; of course there are a few modern tunes added for fun.

One of the major outreaches of this organization is to encourage the participation of young adult men that they may learn the art and pass it on to succeeding generations.  Another major outreach will be assisting the community with public concerts, open performances, and charitable projects.


The Joplin Lodge is a nonprofit organization promoting and educating the art of 4-part a capella style singing.

For more info contact Mike Baggerly at 417-680-4882 or [email protected].
