Carthage R-9 Board hires 13 teachers, accepts seven resignations, two retirements


(From the Carthage R-9 School District) 

The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, March 14, 2024, 6:00 pm, at Carthage Intermediate Center. Present were Board members Jeff Jones, Bill Lasley, Niki Cloud, Ryan Collier, Patrick Scott, and Lora Phelps. Nathan Terry was absent.

Carthage Intermediate Center fifth grade student, Charlotte Ragsdale led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tiger Sounds comprised of fourth and fifth grade choir students provided cheerful songs under the direction of vocal music teacher, Mrs. Carly Myers.


The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, district financial report, establish nonresident tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year, request for proposals for bank depository services, Central States Bus Sales, Inc. bus bids, and amended student ridership count for October 2023.

Ms. Emily Marroquin, Carthage community member, shared details with the Board of Education regarding the accident that happened with her son at Columbian Elementary.

The Board of Education was recognized for its service as part of the Board of Education Appreciation Week. Melissa Stremke and Jennifer Wagoner of the Carthage Community Teachers’ Association and Libby Collier of the Carthage National Education Association thanked the Board of Education for its commitment to the children of Carthage. Recognition gifts were presented to the board members from CCTA and CNEA made a donation to the Carthage R-9 School Foundation to honor the Board for their many sacrifices. Dr. Boyer presented each board member a certificate of appreciation from the Missouri School Boards’ Association and cards from elementary schools. Mr. Jonathan Russell, MSBA Vice President, was in attendance and acknowledged the board members service.

Dr. Matt Huntley, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, provided an evaluative report on Language Services, Missouri School Improvement Program Area TL7 and EA4. The district is creating language-rich classrooms at all levels and implementing systems of support to ensure success for all students. Professional development and training is provided to help teachers analyze assessment data and target instruction for students who are still learning English. EL staff members work alongside classroom teachers to model effective instructional methods.

Dr. Scott Ragsdale, Carthage Intermediate Center Principal, provided information regarding 2024 summer school. Kindergarten through eighth grade summer school will take place Thursday, May 30th – Wednesday, June 26th. Students who will be in K-3rd grade for the 2024-2025 school year will attend at Columbian Elementary, Fairview Elementary, and Steadley Elementary. Students who will be in 4th or 5th grade for the 2024-2025 school year will attend at Carthage Intermediate Center. Students who will be in 6th – 8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year will attend at Carthage 6th Grade Center. Bus transportation and breakfast and lunch will be provided free to all students.

High School summer school will take place Wednesday, May 29th – Wednesday, June 26th at Carthage High School with breakfast and lunch provided free to all students. Additional information can be found on the Carthage R-9 School District website under the summer school tab.

Mr. Mark Holderbaum, Director of Athletics and Activities, appeared before the Board to review the 2023-2024 Carthage High School winter sports. Mr. Holderbaum highlighted team GPA’s, performance awards, overall and COC records, and future outlook.

Mr. Jones provided a Carthage R-9 School Foundation update highlighting it is scholarship season and the finance committee will award scholarships in April 2024.

Dr. Goodnight, Assistant Superintendent for Business, presented to the board the plans and invitation to bid for an elevator at Haffner Stadium. A formal pre-bid meeting and walk-through of the project is scheduled for April 9, 2024 at 9:30 am at David Haffner Stadium.

Dr. Goodnight presented the bid package for the general construction, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical for the baseball stadium. A formal pre-bid meeting and walk-through of the project is scheduled for April 4th at 11:00 am at the proposed side at 2600 S. River St., Carthage, MO 64836.

Dr. Boyer updated the Board regarding the following:

  • Dr. Ragsdale reported on academic and extra-curricular activities happening at Carthage Intermediate Center.
  • Fourth quarter of 2023-2024 school year started this week and spring break is March 18th – 22nd.
  • CHS STUCO is hosting their annual MASC state convention.
  • Thank you to our community for the great support and attendance at the baseball stadium groundbreaking ceremony.
  • Fairview Elementary students went on an adventure with Tiger Air to explore and learn about Egypt.
  • Congratulations to Mrs. Sonora Jones, ProStart Culinary Arts Instructor at Carthage Technical Center, on being named the 2024 MoEFCS Teacher of the Year by the Missouri Educators of Family & Consumer Sciences.
  • Carthage Junior High Theatre presented “Romeo and Juliet – Together (and Alive!) at Last”. The students did a great job performing.
  • Soundfest Show Choir Festival was a great event. Thank you to those who assisted in making this a very organized and well ran event.
  • Spring activities are starting this month while band, choir, and speech/debate are participating in competitions.
  • The Carthage Technical Center held its 4th annual College & Career Fair with 90 + vendors engaging with over 800 juniors and seniors. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to this incredible event.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (6) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

In closed session the Board approved the following personnel actions:

Approved the employment of certified, support, and substitute staff as presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district:

Certified Hire

Morgan Johns, 4th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center, New Hire
Ryan Milliken, Social Studies Teacher New Hire Carthage Junior High School
Mallory Tate, 3rd Grade Dual-Language (English) Teacher, Fairview Elementary New Hire
Seth Lingenfelter, Science Teacher Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Ariel Quenneville, 4th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center New Hire
Eric Napier, In-School Suspension Teacher Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Jared Cristy, Counselor Columbian Elementary New Hire
Brianna Mertens, SPED Teacher Carthage Junior High School New Hire
Kayli Jiles, 1st Grade Teacher Columbian Elementary New Hire
Shayna Watson, Early Childhood Teacher Pleasant Valley Elementary New Hire
Jennifer McDermott, SPED Teacher Carthage High School Re-Hire
Stormi Hughes, PE & Health Teacher Carthage High School New Hire
Logan Wilson, Assistant Administrator Carthage Junior High School New Hire/Re-Hire

Support Hire

Summer Butterfield, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage High School New Hire
Mary Beasley, Cook Mark Twain Elementary New Hire
Sarah Hatley, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage High School New Hire

Substitute Hire

Hannah O’Hare, Substitute District Re-Hire
James Madden, Substitute District New Hire
Sara Danner, Substitute District New Hire
Michael Dietz, Substitute District New Hire
Hallie Sprenkle, Substitute District New Hire

Certified Transfer

Kirk Bromley, Principal Sixth Grade Center Transfer
Crystal Krause, 4th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Transfer
Lisa Kirby, 5th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Transfer
Sarah Gerstner, 5th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Transfer
Elder Reyes, Math Teacher Carthage Junior High School Transfer
Sarah Abbiatti, 2nd Grade Teacher Columbian Elementary Transfer
Kirsten Catron, Early Childhood Teacher Pleasant Valley Elementary Transfer
Cynthia Chavez, EL Teacher Columbian/Mark Twain Elementary Transfer

Certified Modification

Norma Darland, Spanish Teacher Carthage High School Modification

Support Transfer

Jennifer Grizzel, Dual-Language Paraprofessional Fairview Elementary Transfer

Certified Retirement

Regina Fields, Assistant Principal & Activities Director Carthage Junior High School Retirement
Julia Ream, Early Childhood Teacher Pleasant Valley Elementary Retirement

Certified Resignation

Angel Ambrosius, 5th Grade Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center Resignation
Stasia Fisher, 3rd Grade Teacher Columbian Elementary Resignation
Michelle Agee-Morris, Spanish Teacher Carthage High School Resignation
Leslie Hunter, SPED Teacher Columbian Elementary Resignation
Holly Luce, Computer Science Teacher Sixth Grade Center Resignation
Brandy Morris, Biology Teacher Carthage High School Resignation
Lisa Hall, Lisa 1st Grade Teacher Steadley Elementary Resignation

Support Retirement

Peggy Feather, Cook Carthage High School Retirement
Sharon Lowry, Bus Aide Transportation Retirement
Steve Whitehead, Bus Aide Transportation Retirement
Marlon Meyers, Custodian Mark Twain Elementary Retirement
Tina Flesher, Accounts Payable District Office Retirement

Support Modification/Resignation

Kimberly McBride, Bus Driver (Full Time) Transportation Modification
Shawna Frizzell, Administrative Assistant Carthage High School Resignation
Genesis Vanslyke, Cook Carthage Junior High School Resignation
Wesley Sisk, Choral Accompanist Carthage High School Resignation
Tony Rodas, Bus Driver Transportation Resignation

Substitute Resignation

Ashley Colston, Substitute District Resignation
Ann Thomas, Substitute District Resignation
John Christie, Substitute District Resignation
Thomas Moore, Substitute District Resignation
Kelsey Jeffries, Substitute District Resignation

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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