Carthage Tech Center and Carthage Parks & Rec Team Up To Provide New Seating


Carthage Technical Center teamed up with the Carthage Parks and Recreation Department to provide new seating around the Fair Acres walking track and Carthage Golf Course.

Through FFA’s Building Our American Communities (BOAC) grant, Carthage Technical Center’s FFA chapter donated six benches to be placed around the walking track at the Fair Acres complex to provide updated seating.

Meanwhile, needing to replace the benches at Carthage Golf Course, Parks and Recreation Director Mark Peterson inquired about utilizing the student projects to enhance tee box seating around the golf course. Students in Mr. Howard’s Principles of Ag Mechanics and Ag Construction courses fabricated benches to be sold to the city to fill this need. Peterson said, “The City of Carthage Parks & Recreation Department appreciates the partnership with the Carthage Technical Center to provide new benches for Carthage Golf Course and Fair Acres. Thank you to the students for the workmanship, and thank you to faculty and administration for the opportunity.”


The benches are four feet in length and constructed of powder-coated metal and treated lumber to better withstand the weather. All fabrication and work were completed by students including measuring, cutting, bending, and welding the metal frames. Rocky Willis Powder Coating in Carthage powder coated the benches prior to students attaching the lumber. Project supervisor, Carthage FFA Advisor, and Agriculture teacher, Tom Howard said, “I always look for ways that my students can give back to their community. This helps to build community pride and my students enjoy being able to proudly point out how they were able to build something that will be used for many years within our community. This project was a great way to showcase their new skills and help the Parks & Recreation Department at the same time.”
