Bob Yapp Passive Wood Repair and Restoration Workshop October 9-11


Carthage Historic Preservation is proud to announce a hands-on workshop with Bob Yapp to restore three floors in the historic Phelps House.

The hands-on workshop is an intense, learn-by-doing opportunity. This class is not about aggressively drum sanding wood floors, so they look new, much like fine antiques; we want to keep the character-defining features and patina of the flooring.

The workshop is October 9, 10, and 11th at the Historic Phelps House in Carthage.


The cost is $100 per participant and includes three days of training, three days of lunches, knee pads, masks, and protective eye-wear. Attendees will be required to wear facemasks to prevent the spread of illness. The class must have twelve attendees and eighteen will fill the class size. Scholarships are available for tech students. Additional details and registration are available at
