ESC HeRO program to provide home repair to those in need


Home rehabilitation services to be offered to eligible homeowners in Barton, Jasper, Newton, and McDonald Counties

JOPLIN, Mo. — Economic Security Corporation (ESC) is currently seeking applicants for their Home Rehabilitation Programs in Barton, Jasper, Newton, and McDonald Counties.

Through the HOME Repair Opportunity Program (HeRO), we serve low to moderate income homeowners who live in our four-county service area, which is Barton, Jasper, Newton, and McDonald Counties. Through our Joplin Consortium HOME Repair Program, we serve homeowners who live in Jasper County. Selected applicants will receive needed home repairs at no cost. Repairs could include, but are not limited to; roof replacement, window replacement, bathroom repairs, porch repairs, and accessibility modifications.

ESC’s Home Repair Programs are for homeowners who live in Barton, Jasper, Newton, or McDonald Counties. The home must be a single family home, occupied by an income-eligible homeowner, must have been the owner’s principle residence for three or more years, and be located on less than 10 acres. Mobile homes must be 1978 or later year, must be situated on land that is owner-occupied, be permanently affixed to the land by means of a poured permanent concrete foundation, and meet the requirements set out by the Missouri Department of Revenue.


The following are examples of low to moderate income guidelines, which are based on a sliding scale: A one-person household in Jasper or Newton County can earn up to $31,750 annually, and a one-person household in Barton or McDonald County can earn up to $29,750 annually.

A special priority has been established to assist those homeowners who are elderly head of households (62 or over).

For an application, please call the Home Repair Department at (417) 781-4437 or visit the Home Repair Office located at 1924 West 4th Street, Joplin, Missouri. You may also pick up an application at our Central Office which is located at 302 S. Joplin Avenue or at one of our outreach offices. Please contact the Home Repair Department for more information about the program or the locations of our outreach offices.

The HOME Repair Opportunity Program (HeRO) is sponsored by the Missouri Housing Development Commission – The Joplin Consortium HOME Repair Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Department
