Carthage Community Foundation turns 20


CCF celebrates anniversary with grants, Give Carthage Day, and encouraging more residents to leave a legacy

May 24, 2019 marks 20 years for Carthage Community Foundation (CCF) and the organization has big plans to celebrate its milestone all year!

Founded in 1999 by a group of caring citizens including Bill Putnam, Jr., Stan Schmidt, Frank Dunaway, Dave Hokanson, and Kevin Checkett, CCF is a special kind of public charity created by and for the people of Carthage. Individuals, families, and organizations work with CCF to establish permanent charitable funds to support their charitable giving goals and meet community needs over time. CCF, along with parent organization Community Foundation of the Ozarks, invests and administers these funds. Grants and distributions are awarded from these community foundation funds to support various local nonprofit organizations, schools and government entities, and scholarships. Founder Bill Putnam, Jr. explained, “CCF is the perfect vehicle for any Carthaginian to fulfill their philanthropic intentions and leave a legacy to the community which means so much to them. I believe that, in time, CCF will have more significance for Carthage than the trust left by the Steadley family.”

Thanks to the forethought of the founders and generosity of Carthaginians who left, and continue to leave, portions of their estates to establish permanent endowment funds at CCF, the Board of Directors has had the pleasure to grant/distribute more than $6.7 million back into the community since 1999. Twenty years later, the Foundation’s mission remains the same – enhancing the lives of Carthage residents, now and for generations to come, through endowment building, community grant-making, providing leadership, and promoting collaboration on community issues. To accomplish that mission, CCF currently oversees more than 70 charitable funds, handles more than $8.3 million in assets, assists 18 nonprofit agency partners, distributes more than $70,000 each year in community grants, and funds and supports collaborative community initiatives such as H.E.R.E. 4 Carthage. Board President Danny Lambeth shared, “Anyone may use Carthage Community Foundation to give something back to the community. We really encourage everyone to consider leaving a portion of their estate, big or small, to support causes close to their hearts. It is our Board’s great pleasure to carry out donors wishes and provide support for local nonprofit organizations and community programs, now and for many generations to come.”


Current CCF Board of Directors and staff include:

Danny Lambeth, President
Jeff Williams, Vice President
Mariann Morgan, Secretary/Treasurer
Mark Elliff
Delores Honey
Stephanie Howard
Andrew Jordan
Kate Lasley
Kristi Montague
John Nicholas
Eric Putnam
Patrick Scott
Bill Putnam, Advisory Board Member
Stan Schmidt, Advisory Board Member
Heather Goff Collier, Foundation Coordinator

In celebration of the 20th anniversary, CCF proudly announces two exciting opportunities – Spring Community Grant Round and Give Carthage Day.

Area 501(c)3 organizations or other IRS approved entities serving the Carthage area, may make application to CCF for its Spring 2019 Community Grant Round beginning on February 15. Grant guidelines and application link are found online at All applications must be completed and submitted online before the April 12 deadline. CCF plans to award a $20,000 first place grant award, $10,000 second place grant award, and $5,000 third place grant award.

During this grant period, separate applications will also be taken for the Vivian Leon Fund for the Musical Arts. Eligible applicants are 501(c)3 organizations, schools and colleges that offer classical music programs, with an emphasis on piano performance, to the community and schools in Jasper & Newton Counties. The suggested range for grant proposals is $1,000 – $4,000.

CCF will also host the 4th Give Carthage Day on Tuesday, May 7. This special day of online giving and awareness is a platform to help Carthage nonprofit agency partners raise funds for either long-term sustainability funds or specific short-term projects. As in past years, CCF and the nonprofits will work together to rally the community to #GiveCarthage, and CCF will offer matches and prizes to help encourage community members to give to the nonprofits and support the important work they do in Carthage. Thanks to CCF, CFO, and several generous business sponsors, more than $16,000 in matches and prizes will be available to participating nonprofit agencies.

About Carthage Community Foundation

The mission of Carthage Community Foundation (CCF) is to establish permanent endowments that enhance the quality of life for current and future generations by investing in the Carthage community. CCF is governed by a Board of Directors, chosen for their knowledge of the area. Investments are guided by an Investment Committee of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, following a prudent investment policy for long-term endowments. Grants/distributions from community foundation funds are made annually to support various charitable organizations and causes in the community. Individuals or organizations looking to give back to the Carthage community now or as a legacy for years to come, should contact Foundation Coordinator Heather Collier. To learn more, visit or
