Through their pollination efforts, bees provide a multitude of benefits to humans and to other wildlife species. People can learn more about the value of Missouri’s native bees at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program “Insects: Missouri Bees” on Aug. 1. This free online program, which is being put on by the staff […]
Monday, August 5, 2024 Researching American Indian Records: 1896 Applications, Dawes Final Rolls & Guion Miller Roll (Program) 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm The Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO, and Zoom These three distinct rolls, taken 1896-1909, are unique and provide significant genealogical information, but can be confusing for researchers of American […]
The fall hunting seasons aren’t far away, which means now is the time to practice your archery or firearm skills so your hunting trips in the upcoming months will be successful. People wanting to learn more about where to practice their shooting skills should sign up for the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program […]
Crows and blue jays are known best for the un-melodic bird noises they make, but beyond a crow’s caws and a blue jay’s chattering are two birds with some very interesting characteristics. People can learn more about crows and blue jays at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program “Corvids: Crows and Jays.” This […]
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Understanding Freedmen's Bureau Records (Program) 10:00 am to 11:00 am The Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO and Zoom This session will give an overview of Freedmen's Bureau Records, how to access them, and what types of information may be gathered from them. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and […]
Dove hunting is a popular outdoors pastime in Missouri, but the speed and darting actions of a mourning dove in flight can make for a challenging target. Hunters can get more information about this popular fall pastime at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program, “Learning to Hunt: Dove Hunting.” This free workshop will […]
Today’s archery enthusiast has many options when it comes to equipment. Whether you’re a bow hunter or a recreational target shooter, knowing what type of bow you need and how to keep your equipment in good working order is a key to successful shooting. People who are interested in learning more about bow selection and […]