Letter to the Editor: Carthage holds a special place in my heart



I am from Carthage, Mo., and moved to NYC for college and ultimately settled in Fairfield County, CT. The news varies based on where you live and there appear to be some mixed messages being sent.

As one of the hardest-hit areas (we are near NYC), the coronavirus is very real and the results are horrific. It spreads super quickly and the consequences to some are devastating—need for intubation, inability of loved ones to say goodbye to loved ones, and tremendous toll on first responders. We have been in social isolation for some time and as time goes on the fear and uncertainty people are facing is surreal. Every day feels like a bad nightmare with no end in sight and one you cannot wake from.


I graduated from CHS in 1983 and Carthage holds a special place in my heart. Hope you can send the message of the horrendous nature of this insidious pandemic that affects people of all ages and levels of health. I hope Carthage learns from what is happening on the East Coast vs. what is happening on the West Coast. Isolate, masks, gloves, thorough cleaning.

This is an opportunity to think about what is important in life. What is the end game? What do we really need? Who is really important to us?

We are all in this together. I am a Christian which makes things easier and turning to God is helpful. We live in a new world and the repercussions of this pandemic are unknown. Reach out to those you love and let them know you love them, deep breath, meditate, turn to God and believe in him, don’t panic and know you are not alone.

May Carthage learn from what some of us are currently experiencing. God bless Carthage and all the amazing people who have been fortunate to have Carthage as part of their lives.

Piper (Pendergraft) Paul
CHS Class of 1983
