McCune-Brooks Foundation Provides Grant to Carthage School District for Mental Health Counseling Services

(L – R) Dr. Matt Huntley, Dr. Luke A. Boyer, Lora Phelps, Elizabeth Simmons, Dr. Holley Goodnight, Stacey Musche. Photo provided

CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage R-9 School District is excited to announce that it has received a generous grant from the McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation. This funding will enable the continuation of mental health counseling services for students and staff throughout the district.

“We are incredibly excited to have received this funding from the McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation,” said Dr. Matt Huntley, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction for Carthage R-9 School District. “This money will help us continue to offer District Counseling Specialist services which teach our staff about the effects of trauma, assist with students in crisis, offer free counseling services to students and staff, and so much more. Carthage Schools are better because of this funding. Thank you, McCune-Brooks!”

The importance of mental health in the educational setting is well-documented. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year, with early intervention significantly improving outcomes.


Lora Phelps, Executive Director for McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation emphasized their commitment:  “The McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation is committed to enhancing the health and well-being of the Carthage community, which includes mental health. We are proud to support the students and staff of Carthage R-9 School by providing highly educated and experienced counselors.”

The Carthage R-9 School District is dedicated to supporting the mental health of all its students and staff and is grateful for the partnership with the McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation.
