Meal-serving ministry expands to Carthage with potential to grow

Mark and Tracy Phillips are the founders and leaders of Pressing Toward the Goal Ministries. Photo Provided

CARTHAGE, Mo. — For four years, Pressing Toward the Goal Ministries has partnered with churches and organizations to serve food and encouragement to those in need in the Joplin area. As this outreach continues to grow, Carthage is the new focus this year but has great potential to reach more communities in the future.

“This is a really exciting time because we have great connections in Carthage,” said Mark Phillips, who leads the organization with his wife, Tracy. “We have a heart for it because Tracy is from Carthage. I’m from Tulsa but I’ve been in the situation where I wondered my next meal was going to come from. Our mission is help people – give them food and a word of encouragement. Just let them know that God is in control, He knows what’s best and He’ll come through.”

Pressing Toward the Goal specializes in back-to-school supply drives, Thanksgiving dinner baskets, delivering non-perishables and Kingdom Reunion events. The Phillips family partners with many churches and organizations like Bright Futures, Children’s Haven, Crisis Center and Convoy of Hope.


As a way to launch the new focus on the Carthage community, Pressing Toward the Goal used Easter Sunday to serve hot meals to a homeless community on north Civil War Road.

“There were about 10 people there, so we also did ‘drive-by blessings’ and found three more people at Kellogg Lake Park,” Mark Phillips said. “One lady was so hungry she started eating it with her hands as soon as she got it.”

Pressing Toward the Goal Ministries started partnering with Columbian Elementary School last year, and hope to expand the outreach in Carthage. Photo Provided

Pressing Toward the Goal has coordinated with Carthage Parks & Recreation to establish routine hot-meal serving on Sundays in Central Park. Though initiated and organized by Pressing Toward, Mark Phillips said the goal is to include area churches to jump onboard with this event.

“It’s a great way to serve the community and a great way to get the youth involved – the kids love serving,” Mark said. “Sirloin Stockade, Faith Assembly Church and Jackson Tire have been huge in making this happen. We’ve already partnered with Columbian Elementary in Carthage, and we’re excited to help more.”

To inquire about joining Pressing Toward the Goal’s Sunday feedings, please email [email protected]. For more information, please visit and updates on the organization’s Facebook page here.
