Carthage R-9 Board notes performance report improvement


(From the Carthage R-9 School District) 

The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, December 18, 2023, 6:00 pm, at Mark Twain Elementary. Present were Board members Jeff Jones, Bill Lasley, Niki Cloud, Ryan Collier, Nathan Terry, Patrick Scott, and Lora Phelps.

Mark Twain Elementary students, Mika Camarillo, Simon Hatcher, Tate LeMasters, and Kitziah Escalon led the Pledge of Allegiance. First grade students provided cheerful songs under the direction of vocal music teacher, Mrs. Kristi Pearson.


The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, district financial report, amendments to FY24 budget, and tigers together back to school plan.

Dr. Gage Tiller, Director of Carthage Technical Center, presented a MSIP 6 Standard update regarding Effective Teaching and Learning – 21st Century Success-Ready Graduates. An overview of target areas one, two, and three were discussed with the Board.

Jack Ryder was selected as the districts’ Missouri School Boards’ Association John T. Belcher Scholarship nominee. Jack will compete for a regional scholarship; one regional winner will be awarded a statewide scholarship.

Mr. Jones provided a Carthage R-9 School Foundation update highlighting the Trivia Night fundraiser will be held February 10th at Specialty Risk Insurance at 10385 Blackberry Road, Carthage, Missouri.

Dr. Goodnight provided the Board information regarding the districts internal business procedures manual. Dr. Goodnight asked for the board to review the manual and consider for approval at the January 15th board meeting.

Dr. Boyer presented the MOCAAT investment fund program to the Board. Dr. Huntley, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Jana Sawyer, Director of Language Programs, and Beth Hunt, Curriculum Director, provided the Board a dual language report. Items discussed were dual language expenditures, MAP scores, iReady Data, and attrition of students.

Dr. Boyer updated the Board regarding the following:

  • Thank you to the Administrators in attendance at tonight’s board meeting.
  • Congratulations to board member Lora Phelps for completion of 18.5 hours of MSBA’s Essential Certified Board Member Training.
  • DESE released the 2023 Annual Performance Report for Missouri Schools. Carthage R-9 School District celebrates ongoing success, improvement, and growth with an overall score of 85.1%.
  • Shout out to Amy Cristy, Carthage R-9 Communications Director, for her continuous efforts in promoting the great things that are happening through our social media channels.
  • Thank you to McCune-Brooks Trust for the $300,000 grant for the baseball stadium.
  • The updated bus routes will start January 4th, please be patient as we roll this out.
  • Thank you to all the Carthage Tigers that have shown acts of kindness and giving back in our community.

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters, and evaluative personnel reports in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), (6), and (13) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

In closed session the Board approved the following personnel actions:

Approved the employment of certified, support, and substitute staff as presented contingent upon receiving a clear criminal record check from the Missouri Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a clear check of the Adult Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services for all employees new to the district:

Support Hire

Brent Welton, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Kayla San Jose, Cook 6th Grade Center Rehire
James Arrowood, Plumber Maintenance Tech Maintenance New Hire
James Wilson, Custodian Carthage High School New Hire
Hector Sanchez Piragauta, AEL Instructor (Part Time) Tech Center – North Modification
Stephanie Garcia, Bus Driver Transportation Modification
Johnathan Lashmet, Grounds Maintenance Re-hire
Raymond (Scott) Moorehouse, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Laramie Sweet, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary New Hire
Ida Still, Bus Driver Transportation New Hire
Duke Wagner, Media Lab Aide Fairview Elementary New Hire
Sarah Heholt, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary New Hire
Rose Carmichael, Shell Cub Care Paraprofessional Mark Twain Elementary New Hire
Lindsey Pershall, Cook Carthage Intermediate Center New Hire
Genesis Vanslyke, Cook Carthage Junior High School New Hire

Substitute Hire

Mallory Francisco, Substitute District New Hire
Christina Wells, Substitute Transportation Modification
Rachel Beckett, AEL Substitute Tech Center – North Modification
Bobbi Murrell, AEL Substitute Tech Center – North Modification
Emily Huffman, Substitute District New Hire
Justin Gray, Substitute Transportation New Hire
Maggie Berlin, Substitute District New Hire
Malcolm Robertson, Substitute Transportation New Hire

Certified Transfer

Brittany Bridges, Principal Carthage Junior High School Transfer

Ms. Bridges began working for the school district back in 2008 as an English teacher and Instructional Coach. In 2019, she became the ELA Facilitator and Title 1 Director. In 2020, Ms. Bridges came back to the Junior High as the assistant principal. Ms. Bridges graduated from MSSU in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. She graduated from Arkansas State in 2012 with a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. She graduated from Arkansas State in 2021 with a Specialist’s degree in Educational Leadership-Superintendency. Future plans include graduating in April 2024 with an Educational Doctorate in Educational Leadership.

Support Transfer

James Williamson, Head Custodian Fairview Elementary Transfer
Rebecca Taylor, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage High School Transfer
Amanda Jones, School Nurse Carthage High School Transfer
Stefani Lambeth, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary Transfer
Robyn Galindo, Administrative Assistant Columbian Elementary Transfer

Certified Retirement

Joyce Wilkerson, Counselor Columbian Elementary Retirement

Certified Resignation

Sarah Gerstner, Instructional Coach Carthage Intermediate Center Resignation
Mark Lingenfelter, Sped Teacher Carthage Junior High School Resignation
Beth Persons, EL Teacher Steadley Elementary Resignation
Brett Collier, Social Studies Teacher Carthage Junior High School Resignation

Support Retirement

Dawn Hanner, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Junior High School Retirement
Karen Crum, Head Cook Mark Twain Elementary Retirement

Support Resignation

Mayola Smith, School Nurse Carthage High School Resignation
April Sullivan, Bus Driver Transportation Resignation
Olivia Simmons, Sped Paraprofessional Columbian Elementary Resignation
Aurora Sonntag, Sped Paraprofessional Carthage Intermediate Center Resignation

Extra Duty Resignation

Mark Lingenfelter, Assistant Tennis Coach Carthage High School Resignation

Substitute Resignation

Ian Derrickson, Sub Driver Transportation Resignation
Douglas Roberts, Sub Driver Transportation Resignation
Deborah Morton, Sub Driver Transportation Resignation
Geoffery Jeffers, Sub Custodian Maintenance Resignation

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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