Tiger Wrestlers earn first place finish at Diamond State Duals


With only a little over a month before this year’s Class 4 District Wrestling Tournament, the Carthage Tigers finish the year off with a first place win at the Springdale Har-Ber Diamond State Duals.  Carthage went 8-0 to take 1st place, with a tough second day facing teams from Seneca and Class 4 rival, Nixa.  Carthage newcomer, Kale Schrader, was awarded the outstanding wrestler award for the tournament, pinning all seven of his opponents in the 1st period, while the team had 4 wrestlers (Dalen Moore, Brandon Crow, Kale Schrader, and Brener Ocana) go undefeated at the tournament.  Dalen Moore moved his career wins to 151 this weekend to move into 4th place for most wins in Carthage history.  This passed his coach, Nate Kelly’s, previous mark of 148 on Saturday and is only 5 wins away from surpassing another of his coaches, Clint Spencer, and moving into 3rd place behind Trevor Feagans and Toby Waters.  “Anytime you break the top ten in career wins for a team like Carthage, you are in pretty esteemed company,” said Coach, Kenny Brown. “This wrestling program has a history of putting great kids on the mat, year after year.  Not only am I pleased with Dalen’s hard work and progress, but also that of the entire team.  At this point in the season, you hope to see your kids utilizing the things we’ve been working on in practice and seeing some success with it.”

Brown attributes much of the team’s success to preaching the fundamentals and having a great coaching staff and practice partners for his kids.  “There is nothing as rewarding as seeing your wrestlers return to spar with and coach other wrestlers.  My entire assistant coaching staff is made up of former Carthage Wrestlers, and it’s not uncommon to see other alumni at practice working out and teaching my current athletes. It’s really something special to be a part of and is a testament to the kind of young men that go through our program,” said Coach Brown.

With the new year upon us, Tiger Wrestlers dig in with tournaments at Excelsior Springs/Seneca, Labette County, Platte County and the COC and JV COC in Ozark and Republic.  Dual competition for the coming weeks includes Bolivar, Webb City, and the next home dual versus McDonald County and Marshfield for Senior Night on January 24th. A home double dual with Seneca and Buffalo will round out the regular season before districts at Ray-Pec on February 8th and 9th,


Carthage Wrestling Results from the 14 team Diamond State Duals on 12/28-29/18 held at Springdale Har-Ber.






Dual Scores


Vian OK–19


Excelsior Springs–24


Bentonville West–13


Har-Ber JV–0











Individual Results

Weight–Name–grade–Tournament Record–Season Record

106–Braxdon Tate–9–(6-2)–(22-5)

won by fall in 4:48 over Braylen Rodgers–Vian

lost by decision 3-4 to Landon Davis–Excelsior Springs

won by fall in 5:36 over Jamon Ireland–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by forfeit over Cassville

won by fall in 1:05 over Kaiden Stivers–Camdenton

won by fall in 2:32 over Brayden Theil–Seneca

lost by fall in 1:46 to Peyton Moore–Nixa

113–Carlos Reyes–10–(4-4)–(16-9)

won by forfeit over Vian

lost by fall in 3:31 to Ethan Day–Excelsior Springs

won by decision 2-1 over Tyler Holmes–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 3:00 over Gavin Moore–Cassville

lost by decision 0-6 to Jacob Fuglsang–Camdenton

lost by fall in 3:28 to Levi Connelly–Seneca

lost by fall in 3:06 to Deagan Fugitt–Nixa

120–Tanner Russow–11–(4-4)–(17-8)

won by forfeit over Vian

won by fall in 1:33 over Braxton Rickart–Excelsior Springs

won by fall in 1:07 over Charles Easterling–Bentonville West

won by fall in 0:24 over Jackson Capps–Har-Ber JV

lost by decision 0-4 to Gabe Hunter–Cassville

lost by fall in 3:01 to Grant Garrett–Camdenton

lost by fall in 3:53 to Kendon Pollard–Seneca

lost by fall in 3:35 to Cole Crahan–Nixa

126–Selvin Estrada–11–(1-0)–(2-0)

won by fall in 2:36 over Ashley Allen–Vian

126–Dalen Moore–12–(8-0)–(23-1)

(132) won by fall in 0:33 over Taylor Knott–Vian

won by fall in 1:25 over Payton Stalder–Excelsior Springs

won by major decision 18-7 over Zack Ireland–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by forfeit over Cassville

won by fall in 0:39 over Colton Libby–Camdenton

won by fall in 1:36 over Clayton Swadley–Seneca

won by fall in 0:28 over Conner Swenson–Nixa

132–Dagan Sappington–10–(5-2)–(17-7)

lost by fall in 1:11 to Damon Ashworth–Excelsior Springs

lost by fall in 3:12 to Daryl Easterling–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by technical fall 15-0 over Ethan Fuchs–Cassville

won by decision 6-1 over Seamus Layham–Camdenton

won by forfeit over Seneca

won by decision 2-0 over Dylan Carter–Nixa

138–Anderson Ixcol–11–(7-1)–(14-5)

won by fall in 4:59 over Jordan Murchison–Vian

lost by decision 5-9 to Hunter Williams–Excelsior Springs

won by overtime decision 4-2 over Pauoa Doctorello–Bentonville West

won by decision 6-1 over Hunter Reynolds–Har-Ber JV

won by decision 7-3 over Jaden Davis–Cassville

won by decision 9-3 over Jacob Ziegler–Camdenton

won by decision 6-3 over Gabriel Commons–Seneca

won by decision 5-3 over Ethan Shepherd–Nixa

145–Victor Salazar–12–(4-4)–(14-7)

lost by fall in 2:46 to Christian Jones–Vian

won by major decision 18-6 over Jackson Love–Excelsior Springs

won by overtime decision 11-9 over Brady Stafford–Bentonville West

won by fall in Jesus Barbosa–Har-Ber JV

lost by fall in 3:07 to Keaton Artherton–Cassville

won by fall in 1:11 over Garrett Stark–Camdenton

lost by technical fall 3-19 to Dalton Hembree–Seneca

lost by fall in 0:40 to Kolyn Eli–Nixa

152–Kelten Campbell–11–(5-3)–(7-4)

lost by fall in 3:40 to Dillon Murchison–Vian

lost by fall in 0:59 to Dane Millsap–Excelsior Springs

won by fall in 3:03 over Michael Kirmer–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 4:27 over Jose Melchor–Cassville

won by fall in 3:39 over Sam Gray–Camdenton

lost by fall in 1:48 to Zane Cotten–Seneca

won by fall in 5:13 over Dylan Rust–Nixa

160–Trulyn Kendrick–11–(6-2)–(18-7)

lost by decision 0-6 to Bodhi Vann–Vian

won by technical fall 20-5 over Slade Covey–Excelsior Springs

won by fall in 1:16 over Josh Puente–Bentonville West

won by fall in 0:44 over Romel Bation–Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 0:23 over Brody Barbe–Cassville

won by fall in 1:59 over Dakota Boller–Camdenton

lost by fall in 1:28 to Dayton Fields–Seneca

won by fall in 3:25 over Joe Simmons–Nixa

170–Brandon Crow–11–(8-0)-(22-4)

won by forfeit over Vian

won by fall in 4:28 over Dalton Goodwine–Excelsior Springs

won by major decision 9-0 over Josh Poyfair–Bentonville West

won by fall in 3:48 over Cooper Phillips–Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 0:45 over Colton Messbarger–Cassville

won by decision 8-1 over Kaiden Davis–Camdenton

won by fall in 3:17 over Gabe Smith–Seneca

won by major decision 8-0 over Logan Lewis–Nixa

182–Caleb Triplett–11–(5-3)–(10-9)

lost by major decision 4-16 to Kade Cato–Vian

won by fall in 1:03 over Jet Rivera–Excelsior Springs

lost by major decision 6-19 to Shane Minnick–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by forfeit over Cassville

won by fall in 1:18 over Austin Rippe–Camdenton

won by fall in 1:53 over Austin Stephens–Seneca

lost by fall in 3:40 to Marek Davis–Nixa

195–Colton Winder–12–(5-3)–(5-3)

won by forfeit over Vian

won by forfeit over Excelsior Springs

lost by decision 3-4 to Jacob Beesley–Bentonville West

won by decision 7-1 over Ricky Samuel–Har-Ber JV

won by forfeit over Cassville

lost by fall in 2:28 to Dakota Davis–Camdenton

lost by fall in 3:04 to Skyleer Commons–Seneca

won by fall in 3:11 over DeSean Downs–Nixa

220–Kale Schrader–11–(8-0)–(26-0)

won by fall in 1:00 over Cruz Partain–Vian

won by fall in 0:15 over Rion Gallagher–Excelsior Springs–Sets new Carthage weight class record for fastest fall previously held by Cody Ellis at 0:18

won by fall in 0:40 over Caleb McSpadden–Bentonville West

won by forfeit over Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 1:10 over Evan Kessinger–Cassville

won by fall in 0:18 over Cort Petty–Camdenton

won by fall in 0:48 over Grant Hoover–Seneca

won by fall in 0:20 over John Gholson–Nixa

285–Brener Ocana–11–(8-0)–(24-4)

won by fall in 1:09 over Nick Hughes–Vian

won by fall in 1:23 over Braden Teale–Excelsior Springs

won by fall in 0:35 over Micah Penales–Bentonville West

won by fall in 2:34 over Peyton Henderson–Har-Ber JV

won by fall in 2:52 over Garrett Kritz–Cassville

won by fall in 1:47 over Marcus Stephens–Camdenton

won by fall in 0:33 over Jakob Tate–Seneca

won by fall in 2:42 over Taylor Cheek–Nixa
