Repurpose My Style: SPRINGing your winter wardrobe into a new season


I‘m going to be real with you guys. I hate winter. I can’t stand it.

While everyone is excited about sweaters and boots and scarves and snow, I try as hard as I can to hibernate from basically thanksgiving to now. It snowed the other day I didn’t give up on trying to will warmer weather to happen with my clothing choices. I may have shivered a little wearing our new runaway platforms in eleven degree weather but I did it. All for the sake of spring. 

This weekend it’ll be 65 degrees in our corner of Missouri so it’s the perfect time to start warming up your wardrobe, so here are some of my favorite ways. 


1) Throw on a cardigan over something lighter!

T-shirts, silk camis, lightweight blouses… the options are endless. Layering has never been so easy than it is right now. While it’s not full blown tank top gone solo weather yet, throwing your favorite cardigan over your new spring shirts is an easy way to stay warm while the weather catches up to our state on mind!

2) Pair a sweater with a skirt!

A skirt sweater combo is my favorite combo. I could do it year round. My favorite outfit of all time is an ivory chenille sweater with a floral/palm printed skirt. It adds the touches of spring with all the warmth of a chenille sweater.

3) Pull out the pastels!

Winter is the time I break out all the dark colors. I’ll wear black outfits all the time without shame. It absorbs heat, right? Thats science, but the only science I’m wanting this spring is plants growing and being gorgeous. We’re no longer dressing for warmth, we’re dressing to match the newly bloomed flowers and the trees that are coming back! Keep all your bright, pastel-y, colorful pieces at the forefront. 

4) Keep it winter until you reach your toes! 

So far this is my most used tactic. Cue my outfit yesterday: cute sweater, jeans, earrings, a PARKA and then a pair of platform sandals. It was 41 degrees and I wasn’t cold at all. Not even my toes! This is the most attainable way to do it while it’s still the early days of February. 

Who needs groundhog day? We’re willing it into spring with our style this year.
