Local Youth Attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta


ATLANTA, Ga. — Missouri youth gathered with others from across the nation to participate in the 2021 National 4-H Congress held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 26-30.

During National 4-H Congress, youth participated in a wide range of educational workshops, service-learning projects, and keynote speaker presentations. Youth also had the opportunity to tour Atlanta’s landmarks such as Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium, College Football Hall of Fame, Centennial Olympic Park, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center. This year’s event was the celebration of the 100th National 4-H Congress.

Missouri’s delegation consisted of thirty-nine youth from across the state. Typically, twenty youth are selected to attend this national event each year. However, with the 2020 National 4-H Congress being canceled, Missouri 4-H was able to take youth selected for both years to the 2021 event. This year’s delegation included: Ryan Davis, Barton County; Connor Lincoln, Bollinger County; Kaleb Vaughn and Matthew Vaughn, Boone County; Evan Miller and Laine Schmalzried, Cass County; David Farr and Rachel Wiese, Clay County; Daniel Gilmer and Matthew Carlton, Clinton County; Taylor Riley, Cole County; Caroline Herigon, Cooper County; Jillian Powers and Kaylyn Powers, Gasconade County; Kaci Persell, Grundy County; Kate Rogers, Harrison County; Bailey Carter, Henry County; Brett Rockers, Jasper County; Riley Edmunds and Zachary Munsterman, Johnson County; Libby Shaver, Laclede County; Caedon Bergman and Sonya Rodekohr, Lafayette County; Kaitlynn Foster, Lincoln County; Keri Schindler and Lydia Althoff, Marion County; Courtney Keatson, McDonald County; Ava Engemann, Montgomery County; Ada Tucker, Newton County; Alexis Van Brocklin, Pettis County; Dylan Hamilton, Putnam County; Eli Kigar and Elsie Kigar, Scotland County; Hallie Bond and Laura Kenagy, Vernon County; and Kelsey Miller and Nathan Benne, Warren County.


Major support for 4-H Civic Engagement Programs is provided by the Missouri 4-H Foundation in partnership with the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, Aaron and Erica Baker, Mary Davis, the Hertzog Family, the Martz Family, MFA Foundation, Miller Family Foundation, Missouri Pork Association, Marla J. Tobin, MD, and the Turner Family. For more information about 4-H, visit 4h.missouri.edu or contact your local MU Extension Center.
