Web Extra: Big Brothers, Big Sisters to host bowling tournament


An area group dedicated to helping kids in Carthage is hosting a bowling tournament at Carthage’s Grace Lanes at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8, and they’re looking for teams.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jasper and Newton Counties is hosting Carthage Bowl for Kids Sake to raise money for their programs to provide adults, or “bigs,” to help kids who are have a troubled home life, or “littles.”

Greg Spink, executive director of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Jasper and Newton Counties, said he needs teams of five people to fill the lanes and each team is encouraged to raise $250 for the group.


People can call the group’s office at 417-626-9244 for more details or to sign up. They can go to the group’s website, http://joplinbigbro.org, for more details about Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Jasper and Newton Counties.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Jasper and Newton Counties has teamed with Bright Futures Carthage to provide “bigs” for Carthage “littles,” this year.

Spink said the proceeds for this bowling tournament will go to support the Carthage Program so BBBS of Jasper and Newton Counties can help more local kids.

“Every Match, that’s when we take a child in need of some help – we call them Littles, and pair them with adult volunteers in our community we call Bigs, has goals set for the Match to strive to achieve over the course of the year,” Spink said. “Every Match is professionally monitored by a case manager who follows up monthly with the parent or guardian, the Little and the Big to make sure they are moving in the right direction and achieving their goals.”

Spink said every bowler gets a Bowl For Kids Sake T-shirt, bowling shoes, two games of bowling, pizza, coke, and one ticket for every $10 they raise to use for the items in our Raffle. Several prizes will be given away that day.
