Carthage City Taxi Partners with Area Agency on Aging


The Carthage City Taxi is partnering with the Carthage Senior Center and the Area Agency on Aging Region X to cover the costs of City Taxi rides to anyone 60 years and older within the city limits of Carthage.

The Carthage Police Department oversees the Carthage City Taxi and reports 10,523 rides to seniors at $1 per transit in 2019. With COVID-19 closures and concerns, the transportation services for seniors reduced to 4,251 in 2020. With rates still at a dollar, seniors in Carthage could see significant savings in their monthly budgets for transportation. Chad Dininger from Carthage Police Department shared information with Carthage News Online to explain the partnership between the Area Agency on Aging and the Carthage City Taxi would be beneficial to many residents in Carthage, specifically to those who frequent the services of the Carthage Senior Center.

The Carthage Senior Center is scheduled to reopen for services to Carthage on May 3rd.


Individuals who need transportation services will need to call the Carthage Senior Center at 417-358-4741 to register for the program. Once registered, the Senior Center will field calls to provide rides with the City Taxi.
