Feeding Inc. completes purchase of North River Street building


Courtesy Feeding Inc.

Feeding Incorporated is pleased to announce that they have purchased the building at 210 N. River St. in Carthage.   

For several years, Feeding Inc. has been renting the facility on River Street. With the help of the local community who participated in their Capital Campaign, Feeding now has ownership of the facility.    


Feeding Inc., director Regina Shank said the group wished to thank their supporters for the kindness and generosity that helped accomplish their goal.

Feeding Incorporated is a 501c3 non-profit corporation that feeds the poor and needy in Carthage and the surrounding area.  Carthage has a poverty rate of over 28 percent.   

On Wednesdays, Feeding Inc. serves a hot meal at 3 p.m., after which they give out a small box of food to anyone who comes. 

On Thursdays, appointments are available to families in need, where they shop with a volunteer for a grocery cart of food. Families are allowed to shop once a month.   

Feeding also provides classes to empower and encourage local families. Previous classes taught are:  Small Steps to Health and Wealth, The Power of Hope, Becoming Who You Are, Relationships, Goal Setting. These classes are taught in both English and Spanish.    

Feeding Incorporated would  like to thank the Capital Campaign contributors, but also the Carthage Community Foundation, McCune-Brooks Hospital Trust, Thelma Stanley Trust, and the Kent D. and Mary L. Steadley Trust, who have periodically helped purchase needed equipment,  parking lot upkeep, and funds to sustain operations.   

Derek and Robyn Maneval have come alongside Mick and Regina Shank to assist in directing the operations at Feeding Inc. For more information, see Feeding’s website:  www.feedinginc.com    

Mick and Regina invite you to come see the facility in person, conduct a food drive, volunteer, or donate to help feed the poor in the city and surrounding area.
