Curtain Call: Auditions coming


We’re only a couple weeks away the opening night of our next play at Stone’s Throw, “Four Weddings and an Elvis.” That means two things. You should call immediately to make reservations so you don’t miss it and you should plan to come to auditions for the play that follows “Four Weddings and an Elvis” on our schedule.

That play would be “The Game’s Afoot.” This crazy farce written by Ken Ludwig and directed by Neal Ruggeberg runs March 22-24 and March 29-31. Auditions will be held on Monday, January 28 and Tuesday, January 29 at 7pm at the theatre.

The script calls for a cast of 5 women and 3 men. One of the women should be 25-35 years old, two should range from 35 to 50, and one should be 65 or older. The three men should range from 25-55.


The author, Ken Ludwig, is known for his hilarious, fun scripts. As anyone who has performed in one of his plays will tell you, being a part of one of these shows is a blast. So, whether you’re a seasoned veteran of just interested in taking the plunge into live theatre, you are invited to come join us at Stone’s Throw for auditions.

If acting is not really your cup of tea but you think being part of a production might be then you might consider being a part of the backstage crew. We are always looking for folks that are interested in working behind the scenes. This could include being a stage hand, make-up artist, hair designer, assist with set building. There are lots of very important parts of a production that the audience never sees but are necessary for any show to be successful. If you’re interested, call the theatre at 358-4300 and let me know.

Something I haven’t mentioned for awhile is that Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre is a perfect place to hold you next special function. We can accommodate receptions, showers, reunions, luncheons, dinners, even weddings. There are several options available to suit your needs. You can rent the dining room, utilize the kitchen or we can cater. The choice is yours. If you would like more information and pricing just call 417-358-4300. Maybe you should put that number on speed dial. It seems to be a pretty useful number to have.

Thanks for reading.
