Carthage VFW announces Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay Titles, seeks submission


To: Teachers, Parents, and Students

It’s that time of year again for our classes to start, students to start getting revved up for the new school year.

We here at the VFW post 2590 Carthage, are ready to release the new Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay titles. We want to invite all students, in the 6th grade thru the 12th grades to take full advantage of a great Scholarship program. There are many things you can achieve through your writings and you imagination, this is just one of those ways.


The 6th grade thru the 8th grade students Patriot Pen Theme this year is “My Pledge to Our Veterans.”

The 9th thru the 12th grade students Voice of Democracy Theme this year is “Why is the Veterans Important.”

All Essays with be due before October 31, 2022. As normal we will have the applications available at the schools, and the VFW Post or by contacting the ones listed below.

All in school, Home schooled or other 6th thru the 12th grade level students can participate and earn rewards for their Essay’s

Have a great start to this school year and good luck in 2022-2023.

Contact information is as follows:

Mike Juris: Commander: 417-310-3606

Carthage VFW Post 2590: 417-358-1657

Ella McCoy: 417-359-6936
