Carthage Principal recognized by area association of principals


Carthage Junior High Principal Jenny Bogle was recognized last month as the Southwest Region Middle School Principal of the Year for the 2018-19 school year. 

Bogle was recognized at the Southwest Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals meeting in Springfield on Sept. 25, and at the state MoASSP conference in Columbia on Monday, October 1.

Carthage Junior High students and staff surprised Mrs. Bogle with a special recognition during an assembly held on Sept. 21. 


Also in attendance were Mr. Keith White, Buffalo High School Principal and President of the Southwest Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals, and Dr. David Pyle, Carl Junction Principal and SW-MoASSP Membership/Advocacy Representative.

Bogle holds a bachelor’s degree in English education and a master’s degree in administration from Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

She began her career in Oklahoma, teaching English and serving two years as a varsity athletic coach at Dewey Public Schools. She then transferred to Westville Public Schools and taught eight years before moving to Missouri in 1998.

During her tenure at Carthage R-9, Mrs. Bogle has served at the junior high as a language arts teacher, girls’ basketball coach, assistant principal/athletic director, and was named the junior high principal in 2012.

“We are fortunate to have such an outstanding educator on our administrative team,” stated Dr. Mark, Baker, Carthage R-9 Superintendent. “Mrs. Bogle is a visionary leader who excels at developing relationships and creating a positive school climate where students can succeed.”
